Epiloque(sort of)

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Allison and Pietro got twins. A baby boy named Steven Clint Maximoff and a baby girl named Natalie Wanda Maximoff. And guess what. I got pregnant 3 years after the twins again of a baby boy named James Tony Maximoff
Allison and Pietro got married when the twins were two.
Wanda and Vison are dating for two years now.
Bucky joined the avengers shortly after Sokovia.(thats why the baby boy named james)
Natasha and burce started offixially dating three years ago. They are traveling.
Clint is at home with his wife and kids(a baby boy named Nathaniel Pietro Barton)
Tony and Pepper are happy and so are thor and jane. The rest is still fucking single

i will slow down for you/pietro maximoff♡\Where stories live. Discover now