Chapter 5

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I wrapped my arm around Nat's waist to support her as we stumbled down the stairs. I carried most of her weight as she was too drunk to function properly. I groaned as we neared the bottom of the stairs. For such a petite girl, she really was heavy.

It was around eleven o'clock and most people had either left the house or passed out on the floor. I could hear the wind beat against the side of the house.

I gently placed Natalie on the couch. She had fallen asleep so I tapped her cheek lightly in order to wake her.

Her eyes fluttered open. "Kenny, you saved me." She mumbled and then stroked my cheek.

"You would have done the same for me Nat. I need you to tell me where your bag is." I said as I gripped her shoulders.

"I- I Uhm... Left it in the kitchen." She stumbled over her words.

"Okay, you wait here. I'll ring Matt and get him to bring you home." She fell back to sleep, letting out a loud snore as she did.

The kitchen was covered in empty beer cans and bottles. I found her small black handbag on the counter. It took me a few minutes of digging throw makeup and tissue paper to find her white iPhone. It was protected by a glittering cover.

Just as I was about to hit the call button, the stench of beer grew stronger and I felt a moist breath on my neck. Before I could turn to see who it was, a rough hand covered my mouth and another wrapped around my belly. I struggled against the guy who held on to me.

He began to drag me out of the room. I bit down on his hand until I got a metallic taste in my mouth. He let out a shout and very briefly moved his hand from my lips. I took this opportunity to see who was attacking me. I was not surprised to find the guy who tried to force himself on Natalie glaring menacingly at me.

He pulled his fist back and drove it, using all his strength, into my face. Pain exploded in my right cheek. I cried out as my vision blurred. To stop me, he covered my mouth again.

"What the hell." A deep voice bellowed from behind us.

Suddenly I was released. I fell to the ground and cradled my throbbing cheek. When I finally came to my senses, I  turned to see whoever had helped me. I saw a tall blonde figure stand over the monster as he repeatedly hit him in the face. When the guy passed out, Hunter dropped him on the ground and turned to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, as he looked down at me in concern.

"I'm good." My whole body shook as the adrenaline left me.

Hunter pulled me into a hug and I began to sob into his shirt. Normally I wouldn't let anyone see me cry but I couldn't hold back the tears.

After a few minutes I regained myself. Wiping my tears away I pulled back from him.

"Thank you." Was all I could muster up to say.

"Princess I will always be here for you, no matter what."

I lifted myself off the ground, still in shock over what had happened. Hunter carefully touched my cheek. I flinched at the pain.

He went to the freezer and grabbed a bag of frozen peas. "We really should take you to the doctors."

He placed the bag in my hand and I brought it up to my face. The coldness felt amazing.

"No, I hate going there," It hurt slightly as I spoke. "Could you get Nat's phone and ring Matt. Ask him will he bring us home, please." I pointed at the sparkling case on the counter top.

"I can drive you home." He offered.

"No, you were drinking. I refuse to get into a car with a drunk driver," I had completely opposed drinking since my Dad's accident three years ago. "Just ring him."

He nodded and did what I asked him to do, although he seemed reluctant to do so.

Thirty minutes later Matt rang the front doorbell. I went to get it, as Hunter was waiting with Natalie and the sofa. 

"Hey. Wait, what the hell happened to your face?" Matt gently held up my chin to get a better look.

"It's nothing. Just a bruise," I moved his hand, "We should get Natalie home."

"Did she drink much?" He questioned me, as concern filled his eyes. 

"A bit. Don't worry, I kept her safe. We should get her into your car." I guided him to Natalie. 

She had her head resting on Hunter's shoulder. When Matt locked eyes with him, I could feel the tension between the two. 

Matt didn't say a word as he picked up his sister and brought her out to his car. 

"Do you two know each other?" I looked at him skeptically. 

"It's a long story Princess. A very long one for another day." He ran his hands through his hair.

"Okay. I better go, Matt is waiting for me. Thank you again." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. The look on his face made me laugh. "I'll see you around Hunter."

"I'm already looking forward to it." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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