Fuck [Not a chapter]

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NOTE: This is a rant, not a chapter. Sorry.

My brother just brought up to my mom that I write fanfiction in front of me and I was like "no I don't" and my brother kept insisting and my mom asked what I write it about and I said nothing but then she asked again and I said "That's for me to know" and she asked again and I'm so mad I'm shaking and fanfic is my escape and release and I didn't want my family to know about it because I'm comfortable with it and it's my little private thing that makes me happy and now I probably won't get to write as much because my mom will be suspicious and I can't stay logged in or update/read in the same room as her because she'll wonder and I'm so mad. I'm fucking shaking. Why would he do that. I want to fucking cry. I just wanted this one thing to be mine. Fuck him. And I couldn't even be like "don't bullshit to her, I don't." because my uncle and cousin are here and I was shaking cause I'm really anxious today already so i was already shaking and then I was playing with one of my rubber bands and my mom was like "why are you shaking" and I'm just... ugh. I told him before NOT TO TELL HER.

Whatever. Fuck him.

I just needed to vent. Sorry guys. I'm just pissed off.

I'll probably delete this later.

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