Chapter Fifteen

Beginne am Anfang

"You made a mistake, Draco."

"She's dead, Jake! Dead!" Draco screamed. Jake laughed then. The sound was so full of cold blooded hate and anger that Vladimir found himself taking a step away from the cage.

"You remembered her wrong. I give you credit for a movie well done. It was very believable. But you remembered her wrong."

"It wasn't a movie Jake it was my memory. I killed her and I killed that brat inside of her just like you killed my mate and child!"

"I didn't know your mate was pregnant and you abandoned her, so who is the real murderer?" Jake asked calmly. Draco was in a near blind rage now.

"She is dead, Jake! Angela is dead!"

"Why do you seem so convinced that she isn't?" Vladimir asked seeing that his friend was too consumed with anger to think straight.

"She is my mate. I know every inch of her body. I know every freckle, every curve. I know how the light looks when it shines off the silkiness of her dark hair. I know how her brown eyes shine with her good spirit and her passion. And I know that in our most passionate moment when I marked her as my own... I bit her other shoulder."

Draco sat silent for a moment. He thought back to that day at the pizza store when he had met Angela. He thought back to that pale scar he had seen on her shoulder. Her left shoulder..

He roared with rage and flung himself at the bars. Jake stood with his arms crossed and simply watched him.

"Someone's here." Vladimir said suddenly. Jake sniffed and his heart froze. He would know that lilac and vanilla scent anywhere. Draco seemed to calm instantly as he sniffed the air.

"It's her. And your brother.... And someone else. Another were wolf though I'm not familiar with him." Jake sniffed again. It was Angela, Lane and Lucas... What was his brother doing here with Angela and Lucas?

"I will just go up and say hello." Draco said changing into a large white tiger and slinking to the door. Jake felt the anger then. An anger, a fear, a rage stronger than any he had felt before. He grabbed two of the silver bars and with a growl that froze Draco in his tracks he moved the bars aside as if they were made of nothing more than clay. Jake jumped out of the cage and landed on the floor a three hundred pound snarling black wolf. His muscles were bunching and coiling as he stared at Draco and Vladimir.

"Kill him, Vladimir. I will take care of our visitors." Draco said and he raced up the stairs. Jake ran for the door but Vladimir caught him by the scruff of his neck and threw him across the room. Jake struck the wall so hard the cinderblocks cracked. He stood up and shook himself off.

"I've heard stories about you, Jake. Let's just see how tough you really are." Jake growled low in his throat and lunged.


"Someone's coming." Lucas said and reached his arm out to stop Angela in her tracks. He and Lane both sniffed.

"It's Draco!" Lane shouted. He grabbed Angela and hid her behind a large willow tree.

"Stay here." he said sternly. Angela looked down at the small brick house. It was the only home still standing solid in this apparent ghost town. She nodded and Lane released her and ran back down the small hill to join Lucas.

"Jake's in there. I can feel him. Whatever was keeping him from coming through before is gone now." Lucas said matter of factly.

"You can leave, Lucas. There is no reason for you to risk your life for us." Lane said to his cousin.

"Nonsense. We're family and family sticks together. Besides if you die then I'll lose out on all the money I'm going to make off of you in the future." Before Lane could respond the door of the brick home burst apart and a giant white tiger jumped out.

Jake and Angela (1st in werewolf series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt