The power (severus snape)

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Chapter 8

I had detention tonight at 7 and I was not looking forward to spending even more time with Severus. It was now about 630 so I decided to slowly walk from the great hall to the classroom. As I was walking I started to think back, a lot has changed in the past month. I've gone from living alone in a forest to meeting the dark lord and having to pick a side and now here I am at Hogwarts. This is not some thing I ever thought would happen to me. I smiled inwardly to myself. I was great full that dumbledore was so kind and generous, now if only snape could be nice. Not even nice I'm just asking for civil. The thought of Severus confused me, I didn't like him no not as a person but some thing about him made me smile no matter what he was saying to me. I of course would never let him know such things, as if he would even care. No I think Severus is just going to die sad or mad and alone. I finally reached the dungeons and had 5 minutes to spare, which is some thing to be completely proud of because I've never had to worry about time before so being on time isn't some thing I'm use to nor good at. I knocked, but I heard no sound from inside. Hmm I wonder if he forgot. All of a sudden the door opens to a very annoyed Severus snape. He doesn't say anything and neither do I but instead just walk in and to his desk. "you'll be cleaning out culdrens, with out magic" "as if I do magic any way, you're forgetting who you're talking to Severus" I say matter oh factly. This of course did not go over well with Severus. "you are forgetting who you are speaking to miss Ariella! You are to address me as professor snape nothing more nothing less. I will not be disrespected in my own classroom! Now get to work and I don't want to hear a sound!" jeez it was only a joke I thought. I walked to the culdrens and disgusting was an understatement, this was no doubt going to take hours to do. Well this is officially the worst day ever. I looked up from cleaning my fifth culdren to see Severus working. He looked very deep in thought and I couldnt help but think he looked quite peaceful working and if I dare say kind of cute. In that moment I snap out of my thought I could not think of him like that he was a teacher and old and a death eater and old! I don't know how long I stood there doing nothing but arguing with myself but it was long enough for Severus to notice. "what are you doing" he said just as cold as before. "n-nothing sorryy" did I just stutter?! What was wrong with me. Clean just clean the faster you clean the quicker you can get out of here and back to your room I thought. I must have really been freaking out because when I looked down my white hair turned black, which was only some thing that happened when I was "overly feeling". I tried to calm down but it wasn't really working.. Finally I was done and Severus hadn't noticed what was going on with me and just as I finished I called out "I'm done" and ran out of the dungeons as fast as I could. I could hear him calling for me but I didn't stop. I couldn't control what I was able to do very well and I didn't want to do anything foolish so I did what I knew how to do. I ran. I escaped the situation. As I reached my room I threw my door open and slammed it shut as I got in. I paced for I don't even know how long. I could feel myself calming down and my hair went back white, just in time. A rather loud knock came to my door. Already knowing who it was I opened it slowly. When it was fully open I could see a very angry Severus. I just looked down because even though he was madder than I had ever seen him he still looked damn good. Fuck! I thought stop doing that. "are you out of your mind!" he yelled "what makes you think you can just leave when ever you want! I dismiss you you do not just leave on your own accord! If you ever do something like that again... Well you'll wish you hadnt." he didn't even give me time to respond because by the time I looked up he was already closing the door to his room. "I'm sorry severus. You just wouldn't understand" I mumbled to myself as I closed my door. I went and laid on my bed not knowing I was as tired as I was because as soon as I laid down I fell asleep.

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