Chapter 1

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•If you have not read the first story, go ahead and do that now•


I got home and DJ was asleep so I put him in his crib that's in the living room then went to check on Lizzy and isa but they weren't here.

I went to put Erica's flowers in a vase but I noticed that the kitchen was messed up a little but I didn't think nothing of it

I walked up the stairs and noticed that the railings had scratch marks on it. Then I heard moaning and groaning coming from my room so I burst into my room and dropped to my knees when I seen it

Someone was on top of Erica and had her tied to the bed and she was looking at me crying and reaching for me. She was doing this silent cry like she was dying.


E:*Crying* CYN HELP ME!

I dropped everything and jumped on the man that was on her and slammed the lamp and vase over his head. He was knocked out instantly.

I ran over to Erica and examined her body. She was crying and shaking and had bruises all over her. I grabbed the key off the dresser and un cuffed her and hugged her as she cried and shook

C:*crying* baby tell me what happened

She didn't answer me she just hugged me.

E:thank you, thank you, thank you..

C:erica, tell me what the fuck happened.

I was getting pissed off cause one, either she cheated or something else happened and two, cause shes not answering me

I sat her on my lap and felt wetness on my leg. I looked down and seen that she was bleeding.

C:oh shit!

E:Cyn, it hurts, make it stop....please *crying*

C:wait I gotta get him out the house.


I put her in the tub and then went and got the man, he had a mask on and I took it off and i got pissed off when I seen who it was and he started to wake up and I started to punch him everywhere, I kicked him a few times to.

If he wasn't here I would have killed him.

E:Cyn hurry up!


I forgot about her for a split second

???:get off of me bitch

C:shut the fuck up, you wasn't saying that when you was on top of erica was you! *crying* WAS YOU

???: NO,I wasn't

C:okay then

I kicked him down the stairs cause he was too heavy to carry. I finally got him to the bottom of the stairs and got a pan and beat his ass

After making him bleed, I kicked him In his balls and drug him to my back yard then got dj ready and then brought him upstairs then I had got Erica out the tub and dressed her.

C:baby I'll be back I gotta go put DJ in the car.



I got DJ and put him in the car then got a towel and carried Erica to the car sat the towel down and sat her on it then drove us to the hospital.

I got there within two minutes and got DJ out and helped Erica and went inside.

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