Chapter 8

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I walk in my front door with Mason, Axel, Zeke, Danny, and Sadie. I would say I have a few extra people eating dinner at my house tonight.

"Mom I'm home! With my friends!" I call out to her.

My mom practically comes running into the living room where we all have shuffled in. "Oh! Come on in! Make yourselves at home, dinner is almost done. And don't worry about your shoes, dear." She says to Axel, who's started slipping his shoes off.

Mom has a grin so big on her face that it's kind of scary.

"Mom. This is Mason, Axel, Danny, Zeke, and of course you know Sadie." I tell her, gesturing to each of the people standing by me.

She has so much enthusiam when Ian and I have a friend over, but not when it's just the family.

Then we hear a beeping come from the kitchen and mom excuses herself.

I guesture to the couch and other seats in the living room, so they can sit. I sit in between Mason and Sadie. The others are in different seats.

"Honestly, your mom is pretty cool." Axel says.

"She's just doing that because you guys are here." I reply.

"Does she know who we are?" Zeke asks.

"No, I don't think so. We've mentioned the concert and the people in the band. She may have connected the dots, though."

"So any siblings we should be warned about?" Danny questions.

I nod. "I have a little brother, Ian. He's a freshman. But I don't know if he would know your band." They nod.

"Dinner's ready!" Mom calls.

"Food!" Danny, Axel, and Zeke yell. I raise and eyebrow. Mason shakes his head and I laugh.

I lead the way into the kitchen. The boys, Sadie, and I take a seat at the table. There are plates there with spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic bread. We also have a small island in our kitchen, so mom and Ian will sit there. We start to dig in. "I have extras, if anybody wants seconds." Mom says. Then she mutters something about Ian.

"Ian, get in here now!" Mom yells.

The boys and Sadie look at each other, then to me. I just shake my head.

Ian stomps down the hall, and then he appears. "I'm right here!" He yells back. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Don't sass me, mister. Mind your manners, we have guests."

Ian sighs dramatically. "Sorry. Hello everybody." Mom rolls her eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"Nothing." He snaps. He's feisty tonight. "Just so you know mom is only being nice to you because your boyfriend and friends are here."

Face Palm.

I shake my head at him. "I don't have a boyfriend. And someone's not in a good mood." I mutter.

Before he can say anything else mom butts in. "Anyway. You boys are in a band?"

"Yes." Mason says.

"That seems fun. How long have you been in this band together?"

So many questions, mom. Actually, I'm kind of interested in this conversation.

"Probably around four years, it's been a few years. We were together before then too, we were younger. And we would play for family and friends and sometimes at restaurants. We were all really close friends since we were really little and then we formed the band."

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