"It grew.... a lot."

"Yeaaaa, ok. Dad said come downstairs." He ran back downstairs leaving us in the bathroom. Now it's time to show the new me. Junior walked in front of me, reaching back and holding my hand. We finally made it to the bottom of the stairs and I froze. I couldn't do it. I couldn't face them.

"No, come on. It's just hair remember," Junior reassured me. I took a deep breathe before turning the corner and going into the living room. I purposely cleared my throat, getting every ones attention. A few mouths dropped and a lot of eyes widened.

In the midst of all the stares, Braelyn starts to giggle

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In the midst of all the stares, Braelyn starts to giggle. "Daddy, Kirsten head is big." It was just the funniest thing to him which caused everybody to laugh and the attention was no longer on my hair.

Soon after, the music started and the guest arrived. It was a celebration to say the least. We were Young, Wild, & Free. Tonight is about being carefree. No stress. No mess and no complaints. Things happen for a reason and for 5 years I questioned why God let my family go through the worst but then I realized, it was a test.

"Cups up! To my baby girl graduating and going off to college," my dad toasted. We all cheered, drinking water, juice, and liquor for the twenty one and up club.

The music continued as the party grew. Some kids I knew, some I didn't but it was all love. All to celebrate me.

The doorbell rang and I stood up to go get get but Junior stopped me. "Enjoy your guest. I got it." I nodded and his kissed my forehead. I went to stand by my dad who was in the kitchen with Braelyn.

"Thanks dad."

"No problem. Anything for you baby girl...I got one more surprise though," he smiled, digging in his pockets. He pulled out a set of keys, jingling them in my face. I saw the Jeep logo and screamed.

"No freaking way!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!" I squealed, hugging my dad. I ran through the house, yelling. "I got a car!"

The crowd followed me outside as a black Jeep Wrangler with a red bow pulled into the circled driveway. I was confused a bit, seeing as though I had the key in my hand. The Jeep came to a stop and the door opened.

My heart dropped and I fell to my knees as my momma came from behind the door. All I could do was cry. She hurried over to me, pulling me up to my feet. My arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.

"Hey my number one girl," she spoke softly, rubbing my back. I had been 5 years, 7 months and 24 days since she woke up in that hospital bed and had to go into witness protection. She sacrificed herself and her marriage, for me and Braelyn, so that we didn't have to live on the go.

"I didn't think you'd come back," I spoke, my voice muffled as I spoke into her shirt. I pulled back, looking me in the face.

"And miss this? Over my dead body," she laughed, hugging me again. "Loved your speech by the way. I AM very proud."

My daddy and Braelyn came up, followed by Maddie who was crying as well. I stepped aside and Maddie jumped in from of everyone, squeezing my momma.

"You are not allowed to leave again. I don't care."

"I won't, I promise."

Maddie stepped to the side, letting Braelyn run up and hug momma. Even though he doesn't remember her being around, I made sure that he never forget who she was. Videos, pictures, you name it.

"You've gotten so big," she smiled, pinching his cheeks. "Momma," he whined, moving back causing her to laugh.

"Oh, I'm I embarrassing you now. Wow I got a lot to catch up then." Brae moved to the side, leaving a clear line of view to my dad, who just stared at her.

When she decided to leave, he wasn't happy and for a long time, he was pissed but he got over it. He knew it was for the best.

"Anthony," she nodded, keeping her distance. She didn't know where they stood as far as a couple. He sighed, looking down at the ground then back at her.

"Girl if you don't get over here and give your husband some loving," he finally spoke, biting his bottom lip. She smiled, running and jumping in his arms, wrapping her legs around him. In that moment, I knew my family would be okay.

5 years ago my life changed. It got worse before it got better and the worse outweighed the better for a long time. It was almost like having to learn to walk again, but we did it. Our family survived the storm. I grew up a lot and I'm proud of me. I know she is too.

The heart I have, the LOVE I give..... it's UNCONDITIONAL.

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