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•Cory's pov•

I felt bad for leaving Lea with him but I'm so aggravated and angry. I know Diannas and I's relationship was...weird but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Lea came out of the entrance to the waterpark with a look of satisfaction. She came over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged back and we just stayed there for a little bit.

I pulled away but felt guilty for making Lea come all this way for nothing. "Lea." "Hmm" I know this place not to far away want to go?" I asked.

"What is it." "That's for me to know and for you to find out." I told her. She sighed but went to her side of the car and got herself into the truck for once.

I went to my side, got in and started the ignition. Then we were off.

•30 minutes later•

I pulled up to this cute park I used to go to when I was a little kid. Lea smiled at me and got out of the car and met me on my side of the car. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the play ground.

We goofed around on the jungle gym, I ended up helping Lea with the monkey bars and helped push her on the swings. I looked left to where I was standing and noticed a path.

I grabbed Leas hand and lead her to the path. "Can you give me a piggy back ride my feet hurt." She whined for the tenth time.

Sighing I came to a halt and kneeled down so she could easily jump onto my back. When she jumped on I started running hoping to scare her, which it did.

"Cory!" She screamed. "You can scream my name tonight in your bedroom." I said and smirked. Saying that earned me a snack to the head.

I stopped running to catch my breathe, which didn't help cause Lea jumped off my back and pulled my hand while running to an ice cream truck.

Lea pulled her wallet out but I took it out of her hands and pulled mine out. Lea gave me a stern look and tried to get her wallet back but I raised it above my head knowing she couldn't reach it.

She huffed but was interrupted by the ice cream laddie laughing. "You guys are a cute couple." Cliche I know. "Oh we're not-" Lea said but I cut her off.

"Thank you." I looked down at Lea and winked at her. "What would my lovely girlfriend want." She looked at me but rolled her eyes. "Can I have a vanilla ice cream."

I looked at her like she was crazy! Out of everything from the ice cream truck and she picks vanilla ice cream, something you can easily buy from the store.

"Can I get an ice cream taco please?" She nodded and turned around and handed me the item of ice cream. "$3.50 please." The laddie asked. I handed her the exact change and gave her a dollar tip. When I was younger my dad would always say to always tip someone.

Lea and I walked back to the car. "Give me my wallet." I looked at her confused but then my mouth formed and O. I reached into my pocket and grabbed her wallet and gave it to her.

•1 and a half hours later•

•Leas pov•

We finally got back home and even got Naya from school and dropped her off. She didn't say a word about why Cory and I picked her up or why I wasn't at school but I knew she would ask later.

When Cory and I got to our houses we awkwardly gave each other a hug and went out own ways. I walked to my house and Cory walked to his front door. "Wait!" I yelled. Cory looked over my way. "I had fun we should do it again." Cory nodded.

"Totes." He said like a white girl. I laughed and went into my house. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it while biting my lip.

This was the most fun I've had in a while and all I have to thank is Cory...

Even though it's 3:30 I'm stilled exhausted from our long day. So I took a shower and passed out right away not caring to eat dinner.


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