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Welcome, My friends, for a story unfolds.
from the shadows in darkness, that made the Molds.

Though you have the key,
Come read with me,
So in 1,2,3,
Welcome to this poetry.

Shadows of the past haunts,
Dwelling in the depths below,
though nothing was wrong,
all that time ago.

The feeling that I feel, 
The darkness in my heart,
The sins that I Kneel,
The corrupt... I rot.

Though I have mistaken,
The girl that I loved,
was in place of hate,
I couldn't even rate

Hearts Spattered,
Lights Shattered,
Souls mattered,
But no... I had her.

Only I thought.

The time came,
when words took aim,
I couldn't keep quiet,
I started a riot.

When words were calming,
I couldn't stop from bailing.

When I saw her, 
all bloodied,
her last words were,
"I'm Sorry."

I couldn't look,
I shouldn't see,
Do my eyes deceive?
I wish it was only a dream.

This was reality,
Couldn't stop the fatality,
I took up arms and,
Made the brutality,
Broke my mentality,
Stopped the abnormality,
I couldn't stop the tears,
This was my vitality.

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