Chapter 6

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*Trigger Warning*

Skipping to winter break

Leona's POV

"Hey Leona, what are you doing for winter break?" Vic asked.

"I'm going to draw and listen to my old vinyls and stare at the stars as I contemplate life. What about you?" I asked, untangling my headphones.

"I was actually curious if you would want to hang out with me and they guys. Every winter break we get together, but if you're going to be too busy contemplating life I understand completely. It's very time consuming," he said with a small smile.

"That's sounds cool, the guys won't mind will they? I don't want to intrude."

"The guys love hanging out with you," he said, blushing slightly. "Maybe you and I could switch vinyls, I'm always up for hearing new music."

"Sounds like a plan. And maybe I could show you my favorite stars one night," I said, seeing as it was now my turn to blush. He smiled at me as we walked into the building for our last day before winter break.

The day went by extremely slow. As the final bell rung I ran out of the building. I ran and jumped on Jaime's back.

"We're free!" I screamed. He laughed as did the other boys. Jaime started walking towards the street we live on.

"Vic told me you're coming over?"

"Yeah," I said, as he set me down. We continued talking until I reached my house.

"I'll see you later Jaime!"

"See ya Leo!" he called, using his nickname for me. I walked into the house, the routine same as usual. Abuse, tears, depression, night after night. Tonight was different though, they were going on vacation in a few days.


They were leaving in two hours. Tonight I was spending Christmas Eve with the guys.

"Come here you Bitch!" My mom's boyfriend called. I slowly walked into the living room knowing what was coming. Tonight was worse, but I expected that. What I didn't expect was my mom hitting me too. The brutal words kept coming and the punches came harder, one after another. Eventually they left and I dragged myself to my room.

My hand dragged across the paper using all my strength to write these last few sentences. The metal glinting in the now fading sunlight. I folded the paper neatly and set it on my dresser. I gripped the silver blade tightly as I sat on my bed. My hand shook as I pulled the blade across my wrist making line after line, each with a story behind it. Soon I didn't have the strength to keep my eyes open and I gave in to the darkness.

Vic's POV

It was almost nine and Leo still wasn't here. Mike was covering for me while I went to see if she was even home. Jaime had given me her address earlier and she lived close to my house. The lights were all off and the driveway was empty. I knocked on the door but didn't hear anything. I pushed the door open flicking on the lights. The house sounded empty. I checked most of the rooms but there were two left. I heard the soft guitar of Romance by My Chemical Romance. I opened the door to the room it was coming from to see Leo on the bed covered in blood. I ran over to check for a pulse and I heard a faint one. I ran through the house looking for a phone. I finally found one and dialed 911. I told them her address and went back to her room. There was a note on her dresser, I heard the sirens so I took it off the dresser and slipped it in my pocket.

Once we got to the hospital they whisked her away, leaving me to wait. A police man approached me and asked me a few questions about what I knew. They left me alone and I used one of the hospitals phones to ring my mom.

"Hey mom," I said, a little quiver in my voice. "I'm at the hospital."

"What! Victor are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's my friend Leo, she... she attempted suicide." I heard her gasp from the other end. "Don't tell the guys what happened. I'll explain it to them later. Just tell them I'll be back around eleven." We talked a little longer until a nurse called for family of Leo.

"How are you related to Miss Starr?" she asked.

"I'm her friend, her parents aren't home. I was the one who found her." She nodded her head.

"Miss Starr will make a full recovery and should be waking up any minute now. Would you like to see her?"

"Can you tell me her room number, I'd like to collect my thoughts before I see her?" She nodded, telling me her room number. I thanked her and went to find a quiet place to read the note.

'To whoever finds my body,

I have decided it is my time. I thought it proper to end my life with one finally act of violence considering my life is full of violence. The only reason for my actions that truly matters is this: I do not desire life. I have lost sight to any reason there may possibly be to live.

Mother if you speak at my funeral, do not fill it with bull shit. Be honest with how you really felt about me. Tell them then names you called me and the pain you caused me.

If Vic or Mike or Jaime or Tony find this, I'm sorry. My problems were too much of a load and I did not wish to burden you with my problems. You were my greatest and only friends. In the short time I've known you, you have shown me what it means to be truly happy. I thank you for that.

Please do not mourn over me too long, there is grass to be cut and taxes to be paid. Work to attend too and lives to live.


Leo Starr'

I wiped away the few remaining tears and found my way to her room. I took a deep breath as I pushed the door open. The sight before me broke my heart, Leo my friend, attached to countless wires, looking paler than a ghost, in a hospital bed, with a small sad smile on her face.

Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie
The End Of All Things by Panic! At The Disco

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