chapter two: one direction

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"Bye Simon" We shouted heading to our car

"To Nando's" Niall screamed making us all jump

We jumped in the car, me driving as always and headed for Nando's. The radio was blaring out as we all sang along.

"LOUIS LOOK OUT!" Liam screemed as i screeched to a halt seeing a pretty young girl no older than 14 lying on the road. I instantly jumped out picking up the girl and putting her in the back seat with the rest of the boys as we drove to the hospital. She didn't have any injuries so had obviously just blacked out, she started murmering as i shushed all the boys to listen.

*groan* "Aaron, stop please"

I wonder who Aaron was and why this young helpless girl was lying in the road...


"I think she's waking up"

"I'm hungry!"

"we can get food later"

I heard these unfamiliar voices as i forced my eyes open looking up at the white tiles and realised i was in hospital...WHAT?! I sat up to see five guys surrounding my bed, i took a second glance and new i recognised these boys from somewhere but where?


"Hello Love, i'm Harry and you are" Said the curly haired one

"I'm Holly, why am i here?"

I suddenly realised who they were and started to panic, why would they be here? with me? what happened?

"We found you passed out on the road as we were driving, I'm Zayn by the way, as you know thats Harry and this is Niall, Louis and Liam"

I looked at them in confusion and then i remembered everything that happened with Aaron, before i knew it tears were rolling down my cheeks and onto my hospital gown. Shit what am i doing? Don't cry Holly, not now, not infront of everyone!

"What's wrong love?" Harry asked me

I didn't answer. I couldn't, what was i supposed to say?

" I guess we should call your parents they must be worried sick" Said Niall with a concerned look.

"YOU CAN'T" I shouted

I froze. I was going to have to explain.

"My parents died!" I said bluntly Crying more now.

They all looked at each other horrified at what i had said.

"Who are you staying with?" Liam asked worridly

"My erm...Boyfriend, but i finished with him"

"How old are you?" Louis asked

"I'm 13"

They all looked at each other and started to wisper, i lay back down feeling very uncomfortable with the situation. One of them left the room, i didn't bother looking up to see who left, I wish they all would, why are they even here?

The door opened and an extremly excited Louis came skipping to the side of my bed.

"Hollyyy, how would you like to be adopted by us so that you have a place to stay?"

My jawdropped, was he serious? I wasn't overly happy about staying with strangers but i had no where else to stay, i could at least stay there till i found something more permanant, couldn't I? Or maybe i'd like it there?

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