Prologue ~

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"Ah Shit," I muttered knowing I messed up...again. But then again, Mr.Damero had it coming his way. He called me out 5 times! 5 FREAKING TIMES! I WASN'T EVEN TALKING. Stupid Evan was hitting on me again so I just said shut up-once.

"ALEXANDRIA AUDREY LOVINGTON, you cannot go around unscrewing your teacher's chair! Not only that, but then gluing his pen drawer shut so he can't write your detention slip and then offering him a shock pen!" Principal Maister exclaims. "This is it Alex, this was your last chance. The board is getting suspicious and your behavior is not improving. I already called your father. He's on his way right now."

I sighed looking dejected and nodded my head. I understood where she came from though. I've been nothing but trouble since I got here. Starting food fights, letting pigs run wild in the school, throwing water balloons at teachers' cars, and the list goes on. And it's only been a month...

"I understand," I told her forcing a little smile.

"I know its hard honey but it only gets worse before it gets better. Maybe this will be the push you need," she said stroking my hair. Some people may think Principal Maister is uncaring or cold but really she's like my second mother.

Ever since my mother passed away, she took her role as Godmother to the next level and I'll be forever grateful for that.

Because of her, I know to keep it a secret. Because of her, I learned to blend in. Because of her, I learned to defend myself if-no when- they come. Because of her, I'm alive.

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