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Beginning in a new school is difficult, especially for a kid who was bullied to the point he was suicidal. Especially for a kid who has trouble fitting in. Hayden watched as people walked down the halls of Lafayette High. Hayden spotted a head of blue hair heading towards him, and he knew it was his short-tempered locker mate.

Summer walked down the hall slowly, seeing the feverish blue eyes of her annoying acquaint. He always had that woe-is-me attitude that made Summer want to slit his throat with her pencil. As she arrived at her locked, she sent Hayden a look of I-dare-you-to-talk-to-me.

Hayden wanted to clear the air between him and Summer. He didn't like when people hated him, especially for no reason.

"Summer, I think we started off in the wrong foot-" he began, only to be cut off by his annoyed and rather angry classmate.

Of course he couldn't take a hint. Summer exhaled slowly, glaring at him.

"I really don't feel like associating myself with you right now." She stated, unzipping her laptop back that doubled as a backpack. Hayden crossed his arms.

She sure was stubborn, but not as stubborn as he was. He would keep chipping away at her until she finally broke.

"So you really are always like this. Your friend said so, but I didn't think she meant it." He said, and Summer turned to him, a ball of fuming blue fire.

She hated the fact that one of her friends talked to him. Why would they tell him that?

"Listen kid, I don't want to talk to you. And if you so much as breath too close to me for the rest of the day, I will ruin your life." Summer said calmly, slamming her locker and walking away.

"Damn, who pissed in her cheerios?" The guy whose locker was behind Summers said, and Hayden rolled his eyes at the cocky boy and walked away.

He entered his first class, the one he missed yesterday because of a particular somebody who got in trouble for cheating and stealing.

"Ah, you must be uh-" the teacher paused, looking down at his list. Seems he cares a awful lot. "Hayden! Welcome to my class, I'm Mr. Bradshaw. Lets see, you can sit..." Mr. Bradshaw scanned the classroom. "Oh! Right next to Summer Marshall over there."

Summer, who had been hopeful he would be sat by Glenn Licis, the only other open spot in the room, banged her head against the table and groaned.

Hayden made his way to his seat, dreading it just as much as Summer was. He slowly sat down, and scotched as far away from her as possible.

Suddenly, without warning, he fell off of his chair. Some of the class began to laugh as he groaned and rubbed his side. He quickly scrambled back on to his chair, to prevent any further embarrassment.

Summer snickered in pleasure of seeing him get hurt.

"What were you doing?" She whispered to him skeptically.

"Trying not to breathe too close to you." He whispered back, and Summer rolled her eyes at his witty joke.

"Wow, clumsy and funny. What a package." She said, her voiced laced with layers of sarcasm and anger.

"So I've been told." Hayden crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair.

Summer resisted the urge to slap his smirk off his face.

Hayden raised a brow at her, as she was deep in thought.

"So what exactly do we do in this class?" He asked, looking around and seeing people  reading, writing and joking.

Summer thought of a response, but couldn't come up with anything.

"Nothing, really. If you can't tell, Mr. Bradshaw isn't going to win teacher of the year anytime soon." Summer said, running her fingers through her short hair.

"How fascinating." Hayden muttered, returning his eyes to the teacher, when he caught  sight of somebody else. Ana, the girl who had greeted him at his locker yesterday. She was sat in the front row, playing with her gum via fingers. She was reading a book, and partially chatting with the boy sat next to her. It was the boy from the office yesterday, Max.

Hayden glanced at Summer, who was writing furiously in a black notebook. Whatever she was writing, she was very engulfed in it. Summer looked up at him, her brows knitting together.

"What?" She asked. Now Hayden was confused.

"What?" He asked, and Summer let out an irritated sigh.

"Your staring at me." Summer growled, annoyed.

Hayden chuckled, which made her even more irritated.

"Your mood swings give me whiplash." Hayden informed her. Summer was practically bursting at the seams.

"Your fucking whiplash." She muttered back.

"That comeback really sucked, Summer."

Summer looked up from her notebook.

"You really suck, Hayden." She spat back.

"Okay, really? A five-year-old could do better than this." Hayden laughed. Summer glared at him. She continued writing in her notebook, ignoring the overly-annoying boy she was forced to deal with.

Hayden groaned.

"So now you ignore me?" He asked. Summer rolled her eyes.

"Yes." She replied, not looking up from her notebook. Hayden crossed his arms.

"I'm very offended. I though the comebacks were actually fun to listen to." He leans down to try and capture the hard-headed girls attention, but she refused to tear her eyes away from her page.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Summer grabbed her stuff, shoved them in her bag, and stood up. Just before she walked away, she gave Hayden and icy glare.

"Fuck you." She spat, and headed to the door to catch up with Ana and Max.

Hayden followed behind, stunned at her reaction. He was still confused if she hated him or not.

Maybe she was crazy.

Or maybe it was just him.

Curse Of The White Lighter (vol I)Where stories live. Discover now