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Author note ill try to update every second day

T-T-T-T-T-TOUCH ME! I WANNA BE DIRTY!", Emily and I screamed the words of a Rocky Horror Song, as we sat in the car on the way back to Emily's place.

"I have to call my mother", I laughed and watched as Emily turned the volume down until there was no sound.

I dialled my mother and waited for her to answer.
"Hello Dear", her voice spoke.
"Hey mum. I just wanted to call and let you know that I will be staying at Emily's place tonight", I say in a polite voice.
"Why?", she questioned.
"We have a huge English Essay due and Mr. Williams wants everyone to partner up and give constructive Criticism and then re-write them. I think it's going to take a while", I lied.
"Oh well in that case", her voice perked up slightly, "You can stay the night, Dear. But be home by 4. You have your piano lesson"
"Yes mother", I speak before we say our goodbyes and I hung up.

Emily laughs and shook her head, "You. Arabella Josephine. Are a liar"
I laughed, "No. I was just bending the truth"

My parents thought that Emily still went to school, But she graduated last year and is now 18.
My parents thought that Emily lived with her parents, But she moved out as soon as she graduated.
My parents think she works as a receptionist for her parents business. But she's actually a model.

We turned the music back up just as 'Lose Yourself' by Eminem came on.

I started rapping along with Emily and soon enough, we pulled into her driveway.
Laughing, we got out and went inside.

Emily's house was small, but a good size for her.
Jake stayed most of the time.
But she gave me my own room, because she knows that I will be moving out soon and I'm always staying here.
It's a 3 bedroom house.
The biggest bedroom is Emily's with an ensuite and walk in closet.
The 2nd biggest is mine. It doesn't have the bathroom but it does have a walk in closet. And that's good enough for me.

Emily dumped her keys in the little bowl that sat on a little table by the front door before I followed her in.
"Jake's coming over tonight", Emily smirked.
"Don't worry. I'll listen to my music so I can't hear the sex-fest", I joke and she blushes, giggling.
"Shut up", she says, "I'm gonna have a shower"
I nodded and watch as she disappeared down the hallway.
I sighed, walking into my bedroom.

It wasn't much, but it definately felt like my room more than my one at home did.
This had more personality and felt more like me.
My other one was more my mother's way of saying she wanted our family to be perfect.
But we were far from it.

I dumped my phone and bag on my bed before turning to the very large cage that sat on the top of my dresser.

Smiling, I looked through and watched my 2 guinea pigs interact.

They were both boys. Named Percy and Loki.

It made my giggle when they started making noises.

"I better feed you then", I laugh, walking back out until I arrived into the kitchen.
I pulled some vegetables and fruit out from the fridge and began slicing them up.
I then walked out and grabbed some hay from a hay bag and made my way back into my room where I fed both Percy and Loki.

I heard Emily walking around soon enough and knew she was out of the shower.
She stood at my door giggling as I spoke in a baby voice to my pets.
"They're so cute", she says.
I laughed as my best friend walked over and we watched them.

I fell back onto my bed giggling at nothing.
"I have to be back by 4 tomorrow"
"Yeah, I'll drive you home"
I should have driven myself, that way I had my own car with me"
"Oh well"

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