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Stoned (Luke Hemmings)

He was staring at me from across the smokey room.

Though it was hazy, I could still make out his perfect blue eyes as they stared into my unusual ones.
I knew who he was. Jesus, everyone did. But travelling around the world and going on tour with you and, supporting a famous boy band will do that to you.
He probably isn't complaining though.

He leaned back into the couch, with one arm resting on the arm-rest and on his other side, was his band member. I didn't know his name though.

Heavens, I didn't know anybody's name.

"You didn't tell me famous people would be here", I whispered to my best friend as she passed me the clear glass with a blue tinge bong and lighter.
"I knew you would freak out and bail", Emily says, pulling back her blond hair into a highish pony tail and watching me take a hit.

I held it in for a few seconds, feeling the intensity in my lungs before tilting my head back and blowing out, passing the bong back to Emily.

"We should have just gone to yours", I say, raising my eye-brows.
"We can go there after. You can stay the night. But I wanted to come", her voice was in a low whisper.

I turned my attention back to the blond boy who hadn't taken his eyes off me as a different bong was passed to him by his friend. His eyes flickered down as he took a long hit before looking back directly at me as he puffed out the smoke slowly.

We were sitting in Emily's On-And-Off boyfriend's house. His living room to be exact.
Emily and Jake were together at the moment. But you never know with those 2 when they are going to 'Take a break'.

"You girls are being awfully quiet", Jake spoke from the floor, his back leaning on the couch, inbetween Emily's legs.
He was a nice guy. He was perfect for Emily. I know they truly love each other, but sometimes clash.

I let out a shy giggle, the pot obviously taking a little control.
Emily smirked at me, wrapping her arms around Jake from behind as he tilted his head back and pecked her lips.

I looked away.

On the other side of me, was another friend of mine, Kayla.
I could tell she was absolutely stoned. Her eyes red and her movements delayed.

I made small conversation with her before flickering my eyes back over to the boy who hadn't taken his eyes off me.

I looked down at my phone, that was in my lap and clicked it on, sliding it open and pressing in my pin.
Notifications of my gifs on Gifboom were blowing up with people liking my newest and others following me.
"You look good in that", Kayla said.
I looked back at her and gave a small smile, thanking her quietly before locking my phone and taking another hit of the bong.

It was 5PM.

I wondered, what were they doing here in the first place.
There was seven of them. I knew of them.
2 of them were from 'One Direction' and the other 4 were in '5 Seconds of Summer'. I think...
But they're completely famous and in the public's eye, They should probably be doing this in private, rather than in front of people they don't even know.
I mean, somebody here could easily go to the press and tell them. Or fans could notice.

Bella was on the floor, next to Jace as they both laid on their backs, looking up at the ceiling, making small talk while smoking their own blunts.

"Just think", Emily started, "In less than 2 months, You can legally move out and come live with me"
I nodded eagerly.
"Wait?", the curly haired boy with a bandanna wrapped around his head spoke, "You're under-age?"
His British accent was nice and husky, Almost intoxicating. I think his name was... Harry?
I nodded my head.
"Do you're parents know?", the tanned boy asked. He was sitting next to the blue eyed boy. A beanie propped on his head.

I shyly shook my head.
"Shit", the first boy - Harry - spoke.
Everyone agreed and nodded, but that guy was still staring intently at me. I shrunk back a bit.
"Nobody would dare tell her parents", Jake spoke, "They'd lock her up for eternity and make her learn the whole Japanese Alphabet"
I know he was joking. Hence why he laughed and so did everyone else. But they would honestly do that.
Either that, Or make me practise my piano for the rest of my life.

A few hours went passed and everyone had seemed to move around and were now scattered in different places.
I learnt a few names.

I was sitting by Ashton and Emily. On the other side of Ashton was Calum. And on the floor in front of us was Jake.
Kayla was on a different lounge, speaking to Michael who was just as high as her. They both laughed and joked.

"So you live with her parents, even though they make you do all that crap?", Calum scoffed, moving to the floor, next to Jake.
I nodded my head, "As much as they put me through so much shit, they're still my parents"
"They think they are doing what's best for her", Emily scoffed.
Ashton passed me the bong and I pressed my mouth to it, using the lighter before taking a long hit.
"Other than getting high. Arabella is a good girl", Jake teased.
I stuck my middle finger up with my free hand, blowing out the smoke and shaking my head.
They chuckled.
And once again, my eyes met with the pair of blue ones.
They boy was sitting on the couch. Next to Michael and Kayla, but not interacting with them. Instead, he was staring at me.

I think Ashton noticed me looking. He whispered, "That's Luke", I looked down to my lap and nodded, "He's been staring at you all afternoon"
"He's....Interesting", I say.
Ashton chuckled, "Yeah. He's a good guy. He's always awkward. But he's acting strange today"
"Yeah. I'm not exactly sure. But he's been staring at you the entire time"

The boy - Luke - was undoubtedly weirdly awkward. And I knew he had been staring.
But in some weird way, I enjoy the feeling of his eyes burning through my skin.

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