chapter 2

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Over at Burbank, California, inside of the Warner Bros. Company, in an office, there were two older men and a young woman. The first man was a short, pudgy, man with little white hair on the sides wearing a blue suit with brown pants and black shoes, his name was Thaddeus Plotz, the owner of the company. The second man had no hair he was bald, with white round shaped glasses, a long white sleeved shirt, purple pants and black shoes, his name was Dr. Otto Scratchansniff, the psychologist worker, and finally, the young woman had long blond hair, blue eyes with purple eye shadow. a small nurse hat on her head and wearing a form white dress, white high heels with a bow her name is Cassandra McNeal or as people call her, 'Hello Nurse'. The two people were in Plotz's office after Cassandra told them about her nephew coming to visit.

Plotz was now pacing back and forth. "This is terrible... I mean, terrible!"

"Don't vorry, sir," Scratchansniff tried to settle the tiny man down. "Ve vill have zhe place cleaned up before Edvin gets here."

"No, no, I'm not worried about cleaning up the place," Plotz glanced back at him. "I'm talking about them!" he then pointed to the infamous water tower outside.

Cassandra followed his point and looked down to him. "The Warners?" she then asked.

"Yes, them!" Plotz grew into a frenzy. "They can't know about who's coming to visit!"

"Who's coming to visit?" a familiar asked.

The three adults turned around to find three puppy kids, the first one has brown pants with black belt and white gloves, the second one was a boy also like the first one he had a red cap that's backwards and a blue shirt, with white gloves, and finally, there was a girl who had a yellow her head that tied her ears like pigtails, pink skirt and white gloves, they are Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner, the Warner Brothers.

"And the Warner Sister." Dot chimed in as always.

Plotz screamed and jumped up, landing in Wakko's arms. "How did you get here!?"

Wakko grinned and kissed Plotz in a zany fashion. "Hey TP, did ya miss me?"

"Yuck..." Plotz wiped his mouth, escaping from Wakko's arms.

Yakko and Wakko saw Cassandra and jumped into her open arms then. "Hellooooo, Nurse!"

"Boys... Go fig..." Dot replied, seemingly, to no one.

"I command you Warners to stop this at once!" Plotz was more angry with them than usual.

"Stop what?" Yakko asked eagerly. "Taking Home Ec Classes?"

"Aww, and I was just getting started!" Wakko bawled, he then ate a random oven and belched noisily.

"That was the oven my mother gave me for Christmas." Plotz snarled.

"You're a mama's boy?" Dot giggled.

"No, I'm not a mama's boy," Plotz folded his arms. "I just love her very much, after all, I came out of her."

Yakko glanced to him, then looked into the or phone screen and kissed his gloved hand. "Good night, everybody!"

"STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Plotz growled. "Now, I'm gonna tell you who's coming here..."

"Oh, we already know." Dot smiled.

"You do? How?"

"We read the summary of the fan fiction," Yakko explained. "It's a crossover story."

"I love crossover stories!" Wakko cheered. "Especially with the Winx Club! Helloooo, Fairies!"

"Aw, why can't this be a crossover story with Danny Phantom?" Dot then sighed lovingly. "He's a dreamboat..."

"Girls..." Yakko and Wakko rolled their eyes at their sister.

"Why, me?" Plotz groaned.

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