Chapter 5

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The whole world changed around Lina as Xelloss teleported her away from her friends. The very next thing she knew that she was in what seemed to be the same area as before... Just everything was extremely dark and there wasn't a soul around. The tables were all empty, and Xelloss was gone.

"A pocket dimension..." Lina thought out loud, it had reminded her of the time she and her friends were attacked by the Mazokus with Zuuma. "Xelloss where are you?"

"Forgive me Miss Lina, I was checking the area around first." The Mazoku's voice echoed throughout the area. "I wouldn't want eavesdroppers by chance."

Lina spun around several times trying to locate him, that's when she stopped a large black cone suddenly behind her. Slowly it was taking the shape of a human, to that of the priest who had brought her here. "Trying to impress me with your true form, Xelloss? That's unlike you."

Once Xelloss finished his appearance, he gripped his staff and opened a single amethyst eye. "I assure you, that was not the reason for it. To create a dimension like this, I had to shed my physical form obviously."

Lina's eyebrow creased. "In order words, you were setting up a barrier to make sure we're not interrupted."

"Observant as ever." Xelloss mused, taking a chair. "Sit, please."

The crimson haired sorceress crossed her arms, but decided to sit across from him at the table. "Alright then Xelloss, what is going on with my sister?"

"How much do you know about the situation with the Knight of Cepheid?" Xelloss inquired, leaning back in his chair and opening his other eye.

"Not much to be honest, just that my sister holds the power of Cepheid." Lina shrugged. "She never was very forthcoming about it...."

"I see, well you are aware of what the Knights of Cepheid are I assume?" Xelloss pressed.

"Of course I know that fruitcake, they're pieces of the Flare Lord like the piece of Ruby Eye that was inside Rezo, that's what makes them so powerful." Lina huffed, crossing her arms.

"Yes, but what makes you think Lord Shabranigdo is the only one that wishes to manifest back into this world?" the priest asked with a dark glare. "And just what might happen if he were to choose to do so in the current knight?"

There was a sharp gasp from Lina as her eyes went wide. "... T-then what happened to Rezo would happen Luna and she'd..."

"Cepheid would absorb her life energy completely and be truly awakened into this world." Xelloss finished. "And begin the purification, a perfect world as far as the Shinzoku are concerned. I believe you can guess what kind of world that would be like?"

"A world without chaos, completely in order with peace as they say without any negativity..." the crimson haired sorceresses narrowed her eyes. "A boring world."

"I'm pleased you share my mistress's view on it." Xelloss chuckled, waving a finger. "Balance is needed very much, but due to the loss of 2 Mazoku Lords and that ghost of Lord Ruby Eye did in fact drain a good amount of our power that it drew on... The Flare Lord is preparing to appear and finish us off."

"But he won't just stop at the monster race..." Lina muttered. "He wishes to 'cleanse' the humans as well doesn't he?"

"Exactly. After all what better way to weaken the Mazoku then by ridding this world of negative emotions that humans give us the most energy from?" Xelloss explained, shrugging his shoulders. "Positive emotions while we can feed off them, they taste even more bitter than the time you had that fake dragon cuisine. They're not really best suited for our energy and only considered a last resort to feed on."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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