Chapter 3

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"Bring on the next course!" shout Lina Inverse as she slammed her fist on the table, while fighting her traveling companion Gourry Gabriev for the last piece of meat on the table.

"Seriously Amelia, sometimes I wonder why you foot the bill for these two at times." Grumbled Zelgadis Graywords, sitting back in his chair to get far enough away from the brawl.

Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun shivered in her seat. "Miss Lina is far too scary when she doesn't get a meal, I'd hate to see what she'd do to get the money for food otherwise."

Sylphiel Nels Lahda rubbed her head as she sat at the furthest chair from the group. "I see not much has changed in the past year, Miss Lina and Dear Gourry still fight for their meals…" she sweatdropped. "I'm glad I ran into you on the way to Seyruun."

"How are things going with rebuilding Sairaag?" Zelgadis asked.

"Very well actually, I did put a few things on hold to help Prince Pokota with Tarforashia and now the people of there are assisting me." Sylphiel said with a smile. "Along with the help from Seyruun."

"Is that why you're on your way there Ms. Sylphiel?" Amelia asked, sweatdropping as the waiter brought in another tray of food and Lina nearly ripped it from his hands.

"Actually no, your father sent for me." Sylphiel shrugged slightly. "He said he might be in need of my help as there have been several shrines to Cepheid been targeted as of lately."

"Isn't. *Much* That. *Chew* Why. *Growl* Phil. *Chomp* Asked for me?" Lina spoke with her mouth full of food, grinning victoriously with her foot in Gourry's face.

Sylphiel blinked a few times. "He asked for Miss Lina?"

Amelia nodded. "Daddy thinks the shrine in Seyruun is a target, already 6 shrines across the globe have been destroyed in the past year alone."

"We can't figure out who or what is doing this unless we investigate, but odds are it's probably the monster race up to their tricks again." Zelgadis said with his arms crossed. "… Which probably means we'll be seeing-"

"Oh dear, Mr. Zelgadis are you often into accusing someone before having any evidence on hand?" a very familiar voice echoed in the room.

"… Speak of the devil." The chimera hissed, rising from his chair. "Show yourself you bastard!"

"Hello everyone." There was a purple flash at a chair just a few inches away from the group, and there appeared Xelloss, a cup of tea in his hand that he took a sip from."Always have such a warm welcome for me, don't you Mr. Zelgadis?"

"Mr. Xelloss!" Amelia cried.

"It's you." Sylphiel gasped.

Gourry finally lifted his head and spoke. "…. Who's that?"

Lina though, finished the bit of chicken in her hand and glared at the Mazoku before them. "… What are you doing here, Xelloss? What the hell does the monster race want from me this time?"

"Oh dear, Miss Lina whatever makes you think I can't just drop by and see you?" Xelloss asked with a clearly fake cheerful expression. It would be too suspicious if he just got to the point anyway.

"Well let's see, every time I see you you're either trying to make me doing something for you, or you're trying to kill me!" Lina spat at him, slamming her fist on the table.

"Now, now Miss Lina no hard feelings... Remember I was under orders to offer your life to Valgaav that one time." Xelloss waved a hand carelessly. "I myself have never truly chosen to try and take your life. And as for our last encounter, my mistress had my lips sealed involving the shadow of Lord Ruby Eye." He opened one amethyst eye with a smirk. "And don't I get a thank you for protecting your group? While it may had been a shadow of the Dark Lord it nearly wiped me from existence."

Lina's eye twitched. "Yeah suuuurreee, I'll give you a thanks. Give me 2 minutes to chant the Ragna Blade as I cut you into pieces and stuff you down Gourry's throat!"

"… What do monsters taste like though?" Gourry asked, tilting his head to the side.

Xelloss chuckled, this was why he always enjoyed their company. Lina was constantly an explosive amount of negative energy as she was easy to set off, just spending a few moments with her was enough to power him for weeks without much effort… Then if he assisted in making her angry or frustrated it made it all the better. "Besides had Valgaav taken me up on that offer, I omitted the very reason why I would have gladly killed you, because I would have turned you into a Mazoku!" he added out of the blue.

Lina just glared daggers him, her fist tightened. "… You would have turned me into a damn MONSTER?"

Her rage was as delicious as ever. Xelloss had a wide smirk on his face as he took in her emotions. "Of course, since I could never refuse an order from my mistress, the only other option would be to turn you into a Mazoku as I'd have to kill you to do that. That way I still wouldn't have been disobeying orders, and you'd still be alive." He shrugged as if this option was perfectly normal.

"Get to the point, Xelloss." Zelgadis hissed. "What the hell are you here for already?"

"Ever impatient…" the Mazoku pursed his lips. "While you are correct I am here on business from Lord Beast Master… My business here is with Miss Lina, not with any of you."

Lina narrowed her eyes at this. "What does the monster race want with me now?" she had never met the Greater Beast Zelas, but she suspected the creator of Xelloss just had to be just as bad… Or worse. After all she already had met 2 out of the 5 lords, somehow in the back of her mind she knew it wasn't going to be over yet.

"Does it have anything to do with the shrines?" Sylphiel suddenly spoke up. "… You wouldn't think of trying to make Miss Lina destroy them for you?"

"Nonsense, if we wanted them destroyed we'd do it ourselves." Xelloss waved a hand carelessly. "In fact we of the monster race have nothing to do with that incident, but we are interested."

"WHAT?" the whole group shouted in surprise.

"Ok now I know he's lying!" Zelgadis hissed.

Lina shook her head, calmly closing her eyes. "… No, despite his damn secrets Xelloss usually doesn't outright lie… But, you do know who's responsible, don't you?" she opened one crimson eye to look at the Mazoku.

Xelloss nodded. "Correct. And while it's not the main reason I'm coming to you now, it is a factor into the reason my mistress has sent me."

"You know who?" Sylphiel gasped. "Who is doing such a vile thing?"

Xelloss chuckled and waved his index finger. "Now that is a secret!"

"…. Saw that coming." Lina grumbled. "So get on with it Xelloss, what are you here for?"

"Well as you know Lina, due to recent events and the Monster Lords falling slowly in power, you're obviously on both the most wanted to join our race list, and also most wanted dead… So Lord Beast Master wishes to make you an offer before the remaining lords either decide to try to destroy you or make you join them…" Xelloss slowly opened his eyes as he spoke, his amethyst orbs staring right at her. Everytime he opened those eyes it often sent a shiver down Lina's spine, because they showed the true nature of the Mazoku… But that also meant whatever he was going to say next was very serious…

"… So what exactly did Zelas send you to offer me?" Lina asked, arching her eyebrow.

The purple haired Mazoku smiled. "I've come to offer you The Pledge of Immortality, Lina Inverse."

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