Olympus Weekly Issue

Start from the beginning

August 18th: Happy Birthday!
A request from Poseidon has led us to inform everyone of a very 'special' occasion. A child of the big three has managed to, as the mortals say, legally become an adult. While the seas rejoice, certain immortals on Olympus are less than happy. Please wish a Happy Birthday to Perseus Jackson, savior of Olympus. May our Hero live long and well.

8/16: Baby Boom on Olympus!
So many things have happened on Olympus. Hera had an affair, Tyche and a mortal, and the many children gods are having. Given, there are some demigods, which are a usual occurrence, but not when said demigod is the result of an affair by the goddess of marriage. XxXSilverStarsXxX
Tyche is confirmed pregnant as well. Will she come forward with the father? Night_Leopard izzy_rainicorn
Now, what everyone's waiting for:
Where are the (supposed) twins of Hecate and Hades? Will they be the new heirs to the Underworld? Does Persephone even know? XxBlueCookiexX Karldixon_ ad_smyth
Finally, we have the expecting Eris by Apollo. Who knew their old relationship would resurface so soon! child-of-chaos TheDarkPainter
Nike Loses a Competition!
It seems lots of immortals are defying their domains. After throwing up on the judges, Nike was said to have thrown a temper tantrum and run off. izzy_rainicorn KawaiiQueenLyrii
Playing with Powers; the Consequences
Every immortal on Olympus experienced difficulty in their domain when the infamous goddess Eris switched their powers. Nemesis is said to have gone mad after getting Dike's power over justice, Priapus made it snow in June after recieving Demeter's powers over the seasons, and many other gods and goddesses found themselves with other's powers. Probably the most intriguing switch, was that of Artemis and Aphrodite.
After being judged by Zeus, Eris and her accomplice Tyche have been banned from Olympus to the mortal world, until all the spirits that escaped have been returned.  Night_Leopard child-of-chaos UnknownMermaid LeoValdezDaHotStuff

8/4: Hecate Loves Hades?
Our anonymous source has struck again. After a debacle about the last issue of Olympus Weekly; eight immortals spent a night with mortals. There are rumors of drunk love, gambling away Olympus' fortune, and the biggest one of all, a secret Love Triangle between Hecate, Hades, and the non present Persephone.
Aphrodite's Gone Up 3 Dress Sizes in the Last Month
According to an anonymous source, Aphrodite has had to go up three dress sizes this month alone. Is our favorite love goddess losing her touch and letting herself go, or will she be in maternity clothes as time goes on?
Chariot Race Cancelled due to No Show
After yesterday's no show, many fuming war gods and chaos loving immortals are enraged. Chariot races are always a favorite, and nothing escaped unscathed. The scheduled racers, Poseidon and Athena claim that they had issues to attend to. When asked what they were, both claimed 'our children needed to speak with us'. Many gods question the truth to these claims, and whether or not this is a cover for Aphrodite's long time in the making, Pothena.
Comments from readers:
Aphrodite rocking some beautiful curves -Nike

8/3: Are Eris and Apollo are Secretly Dating?
An anonymous source supplied some of the hottest gossip since Poseidon and Athena. Eris, who is known to have dated Apollo in the past, is supposedly back together with the god of poetry. It's anybody's guess what comes next.
Every Immortal Agrees Hera is the Most Beautiful
A recent poll shows most immortals think Hera is the prettiest. After what happened during the Trojan war, do we really want to find out how Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, reacts? Let us know your thoughts, and whether you think these results are the result of fear of Hera's wrath!

8/2: Aphrodite and Ares Expecting? There Might be a New Immortal on Olympus
An anonymous source says that Aphrodite and Ares are expecting. After Phobos and Deimos, we can't really be surprised. What will this mean for Olympus, Aphrodite's marriage, and her relationship with Ares? @xXAll_TimeCherryXx Karldixon_ ad_smyth
Hades Cheats on Persephone with a Wood Nymph
Another anonymous source has dropped by, giving us this good bit of gossip. After the incident in the throne room yesterday, with Hera threatening to harm Persephone in Hades' and Demeter's presence, it is possible he just needed to blow off some steam. How will Persephone react? What will Demeter do? Find out soon! ad_smyth  Karldixon_
Chariot Track Planned to Open 45 Years Early
The chariot track that was once planned to open in 2060, will now be opening tomorrow afternoon. All of Olympus is invited to come and see the first brutal battle between charioteers, or rivals? It was years ago that Poseidon's horses and Athena's chariot came together to make chariot racing.

First Sunday Issue:
Zeus and Hera are Calling it Quits
After years of affairs and arguments, it appears someone has had enough. An anonymous source revealed that someone in the relationship can't talk it anymore. Will the royal couple of Olympus smooth things over, or is this truly the end? child-of-chaos

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