How He Asks You To Prom/Homecoming

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Stiles: He made a cute little sign with Legos glued to a thing of poster board that says "Lego to Prom?"

Scott: He put bags of flour in your locker and put a note on the back wall that says, "I bought you flours, so will you go to prom with me? -Scott"

Derek: ...he didn't, you had to beg him to take you to your prom.

Isaac: He put out a bunch of red Solo cups outside your backdoor, with a note that says "Don't make me go solo... Prom?", then texted you to go out into your backyard.

Liam: He set up your room with caution tape, some black electrical tape as his outline, and made a sign that says "(Y/N), I'm dying to take you to Homecoming." and he laid there with flowers till you walked into your room and saw him.

Jackson: He bought you a kitten that had a little collar thing that says "Prom?"

Aidan: He made a sign that read "I hate everyone, you hate everyone, let's hate everyone together at Prom?"

Garrett: He got a whole bunch of lacrosse balls, and had them spell out "Homecoming?" and bought you your own lacrosse stick.

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