Chapter 3

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Shane slowly opened her eyes. For a moment she forgot what had happened the night before, but the memories suddenly came rushing back to her mind.

The Trickster had put her to sleep. She had been shot while she was running from a hunter, and in her pain, she'd begged the Trickster to make her sleep until the pain subsided. Somehow, he agreed. Her memories, her 'memories' of killing those people, drinking their blood, they'd been nothing but a horrendous nightmare. She sighed a sigh of relief. She hadn't become a monster. Yet.

She looked down at her leg, horrified at the bullet wound in her calf. She propped herself up on the log behind her and checked the wound for a bullet. "Great," she hissed as she spotted the little chunk of metal. She looked around for a stick or something she could bite, and found one. She placed the stick between her teeth and took a deep breath, positioning her fingers above the wound. She slid her finger into the hole and felt around for the bullet, wincing in pain. She slowly slid the mass of metal out of her wound. As it clinked onto the ground she dropped the stick out of her mouth, a muffled cry of pain leaving her lips.

She sat there numb for a moment, just staring up at the sky. It was probably mid afternoon, based on the sun position, and everything seemed calm. She took in the silence, embracing the feeling of momentary freedom.

All in all, Shane didn't mind being alone. She was used to it. She'd grown up in semi-isolation, no friends and no family, so it wasn't all that bad. But ever since meeting Sam and Dean, being alone started to bother her. She didn't understand why, but being with them made it feel like she was home. They made some dingy motel feel like a house with a family. Even if it was a dysfunctional, demon-hunting family, it was more than she'd ever had. And she missed it.

Words couldn't describe how much she missed it.

She had day dreams about finding a way to end this transformation, to control herself, and finding Dean again. She'd see him, run into his arms, and he'd hold her close, telling her how much he missed her, and he'd keep her safe, and she, Dean, and Sam would be together again.

But those were just dreams. Nothing more.

Something deep in her mind told her that things wouldn't be ok. That she wouldn't be able to control herself, and that she wouldn't have a happy ending. But she tried to ignore those thoughts. They were too much for her to take right now.

She stood up, wincing in pain, and tried to walk. She could do it, but it was painstakingly slow, and very uncomfortable. Crutches would make it easier, but she had no way of getting them whatsoever. So she trudged on. Hoping that eventually the pain would ebb.

Shane didn't know why she was running. She honestly had no where to go, no one to run to, so it didn't make any sense, but she did as she was told. She assumed that demons would start looking for her just like the hunters were, but she didn't know. And sadly no one could tell her.

It felt like there was something chasing her. Constantly. There was a constant sense of uneasiness like someone was constantly following her, holding a knife to her back. The sense of being threatened was slowly creeping in on her. It was hard, and it was weird, but... well, nothing in Shane's life was easy at this juncture.



(Basically, if you want to know how sorry I am, go watch Markiplier's I'm Sorry video on youtube. that'll sum it up nicely XD )


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