why are you alive?

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Nick ♥ ♥

I limped into my house and threw down my bag,I limped to the mirror in the hall way and lift up my shirt and looked at my new birth mark....yea I mean bruise.I had fun with Levii today.Note the sarcasm and note to self,never back-talk him AGAIN.It was hard hugging pro and not cry after school today.I whimpered a little and went to the kitchen. I made blueberry pop tarts and went upstairs to take a shower, I massage my bruises as usual and took a shower. When i was finish i wrap the towel around my waist and went to my bedside table,i knelt down infront of it and i got out my little blue box and opened it.I stared at the shiny metal for a while before taking it up and let the coldness turn to warm,i press it agaist my wet wrist and slid it across.Blood ran out and I lift the razor and put it on a new part of my skin and did the same,I then drop back on the floor and close my eyes feeling the pain and releasing the pain.Levii had made my life a living hell.I got up about 5 minutes later and wash off the dry blood,I didn't bother wrapping it because that way pro would see the bandage on my wrist I doubt that still because he just broke up with nick.so tomorrow I'll just put on my hand bands.
I got dress in my sweat pants and t shirt and layed down,eating my pop tarts.

I turn on the tv and soon fell asleep somewhere in the middle of a gumball episode.


"GET OUT OF MY WAY".I yelled as I skate down the hall,people rushing to get out the way,knowing I wouldn't stop for nothing.

I got to my locker and pick up my skate board,I threw it in and grab my book for my first class.I ran down the hall to where I saw Sher and pro,I stop and gave them a hug.Pro had a giant bag of doritos and a soda under his arm.

"Why such a big bag?".I ask him.

"I'm hungry".he shrug and walk off.

We followed him to the first class,this class sher had with us and we sat beside each other with me in the middle,the class started and levii came in and sat behind me then nick came in and sat beside Pro.Pro tense and then whispered in my ears


"Please".I said and got up and switch seats with pro.I sat beside Nick and Pro sat in front of levii.Nick gave me a smile and I nod.


School was over and Pro and Sher went home. On my way out of class I got pulled into the bathroom and pushed to the floor,the bathroom was empty and only the asshole stood infront of me.

"Hey fag,enjoyed yesterday?".he ask and I roll my eyes and got up,only to be pushed back down.

"Don't get up".he growled and walked back and forth as he talked.

"I saw your mom yesterday,she was in my neighborhood. I doubt you saw her,poor thing,she was here but didn't visit her only son she left alone in their house,you know I hate you right?why are you here I mean,you're gay,emo,and your parents don't even wants to be near you,why are you here".he came closer to me and pulled me up.

"Why are you still alive?".he hissed

Tears started running down my cheeks as I bit my bottom lip,knowing its true,I tried not to sob.I push out of his hold to run out the bathroom but he held my wrist tight and push me against the wall,I close my eyes and whimpered as pain shot through me,from my wrist and back.

"You're such a fag,why are you cr-".he stop and I felt his hand loosen from my wrist.

I opened my eyes and he was staring at his hand,it was blood and I peek down at my arm and saw that my cuts had opened.

"W-what is this?".he ask in a angry but concern voice.


"Answer me!".he yelled.

I push him,hard for him to fall and I ran out the bathroom and down the stairs to my locker.I got my skateboard and went outside,m.I skate home and ran up to my room and wash my hand off I was still crying and I sat down on my bed and brought my knees to my chest and cried.Levii was right,if my mom and dad loved me they would have stayed with me or bring me with them.No body cares about me,my family never called and I only had pro and sher.Levii hates me his friends hates me the rest just pretend to like me put hates me.He's right why am I still alive?.I have nothing to live for.

I got up and took up my car keys,I turn all the lights off in the house and headed outside and opened my garage door.I went into one of my cars and drove out.I drove to the lake near by the a church and got out my car,I put my hands in my pocket and walked by the side of the lake until I saw the bridge, I ran my fingers along the railing until I was in the center of the bridge. I looked down and looked at the water,I couldn't see the bottom knowing it was deep and I can't swim.A tear ran down my face as everything ran through my mind.I had to do this.I stepped over the railing,it wasn't hard since it was like waist height.I turn my back toward the water,stretch my arms out and close my eyes.
I heard the familiar voice called my name but I ignored it.

"Your wish is finally coming through Levii".I whispered before dropping myself into the water.

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