Chapter 1- New Domino

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After years of working my way up to Domino we finally have fixed it to the way it was meant to be but however some people did not seem like their usual selves its like their minds were being taken over by something known as the Society of Light

"The Society of Light? But that was taken down by Jaden Yuki years ago but then thats impossible..." Jack Said
"But Jack we have seen most impossible things in our life i mean we are signers we need to go back in time to stop this we would need the king of games and Jaden Yuki himself." Yusei planned

"Hey Jay!" Alexis said lovingly
"Whats up Lex?" Jaden replied in the same way
"Well..." Alexis was starting to say before she was inturupted by two people coming through a portal

"Hello is Jaden Yuki and Yugi Moto here?"
"I'm Jaden and Yugi's over there can we help you?" Jaden asked
"Yes we are from the future im Jack Atlas and this is my good friend Yusei Fudo!" Jack replied with a sterness in his voice
"Hey Yug who are these guys?" Joey questiones

"Hmm can i help you?" Seto asked Yusei
"We need to borrow Jaden and Yugi from this time, we could also use Alexis' help and yours Seto and Joey's."

As everyone agrees Yusei and everyone starts to head back to New Domino as they start to look around for clues to stop whoever is behind this plan.

Meanwhile down in the deepst dark pits of the Satalite Sartorious and Paradox went back in time in order to retrive Rex Goodwin in order to have the power of a dark signer to help them out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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