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Bey pov

Since the miscarriage thing, Kelly has gotten really depressed and it's gotten really bad lately so bad that it's interfering with work and that's not good. When we are in rehearsals she seems so out of it, like her mind is lost Far far away.

Now that Farrah is gone there's been no drama with me and the media only some stuff but I can handle it.

So now that Destiny's Child is a trio we need to be even more ready and efficient then we ever were before.

Which means we have to be better then we ever were.

I started with writing what I felt which was I felt OK I mean not good not bad I'm just OK. I can't be depressed anymore because everything happens for a reason.

Now that your outta my life I'm so much better.

Survivor was a hit! It was an anthem for everyone! After everything we've been through the fans came through.  Like they always do.

Kelly, Beyoncé and Michelle. We are destiny's child. I'm a survivor! Keep on surviving. We've been through member changes, life changes, relationship problems, friendship issues.

Us three are here to stay. Anything else does not fit period.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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