
Isabella slammed her car door and walked to the front door. She looked back at me and held up her finger before ringing the doorbell.

The door opened and out came my older brother, Jonathan. He looked from Isabella to me, and his scowl looked as if there was something wrong. He suddenly pushed passed Isabella and over to my door. I sat still in shock, and watched as he pulled the door open. "Perry, in the house, now," he told me.

I shook my head. "Why am I here?" I asked. He finally had enough and pulled me out of the seat by my arm. "Jonathan, what are you doing?" I yelled.

"I told you to get inside, Perry," he grumbled. He dragged me in the front door, then threw me on the couch. He was stronger than me, no doubt. And though I was strong, Jonathan could kick my ass any day.

I looked around and saw the rest of my siblings sitting around. "Storm? Lidia?" I asked with confusion.

"Hi, Perry," Lidia said, a slight smile stretching across her cheeks.

Storm stood up and crossed his arms, scowling at me. "Perry, you need to understand something," he said.

"No! I've told you all that I refuse to put her in a home. She's our mother, Storm, how could you want that?" I burst.

"Shut up and listen, Perry," he demanded. "It isn't safe for her, we all know it."

"What isn't safe?"

"You. Perry, that's why we want her there, is to keep her safe. Did you forget about the change? The shape-shifting?"

I pushed my eyebrows together and sat up. "No, of course I didn't. But we can't just leave her stranding," I said worriedly.

"You think I want to leave her alone? She raised me. Of course I don't, but we all had to. For the sake of her."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Storm--"

"Join the pack. Perry, you do not have much time," he said with concern.

"We're only doing this for mom, and you. It's important that you help yourself, and her," Lidia said, her hand being placed on my shoulder.

"I'll think about it," I said, looking around at the four.

"You don't have much time to decide, Perry. Do not waste any time on anything," Isabella informed me.

I nodded and stood up. "I'll call you," I directed at Storm. He nodded, then watched me walk out of the house and past Isabella's Chevy truck.


"Perry? Where were you?" my mother asked from her small, wooden chair. I threw my house key on the counter and looked back at her dark brown eyes. They told a story every time I glanced at them. They always told me that everything would be okay, until now that is.

My siblings wanted me to leave my mother alone. Alone was the word that hurt her the most. She had no idea that they only did it for her own good, and she probably would never find out. Isabella made that pretty clear through her burning gaze earlier.

I just didn't have the strength, or power to leave her. My father died a few years back, and now, I'm the only family or friend she has. How could I just leave, when there was no one to be there for her when she needed them most?

"What's on you're mind, baby?" she asked, still knitting away. I opened my mouth to speak, but ended up with empty words.

Nothing would escape my lips, even though I wanted at least a sound to come out. But there was still nothing to be said. I couldn't hurt her like the older ones did. I wasn't heartless. "Nothing, mom," I lied. In the moment, everything was running through my mind like a broken record.

It wasn't easy, to think I had to leave my mom sooner than I planned. I didn't want to leave her unless she did first. I wanted to see her until she died, but I didn't have that option.

I turned on my heel and walked quickly to my room. As soon as I closed the door, I punched the wall in rage. My knuckles bled with intensity, but it only made me hit the wall harder. "Perry, what's going on in there?" I heard my mother ask outside my door.

I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled in frustration. I had no idea what to do, or what to say when I had to leave my small, weak mother. The older ones may have done it easily, but I couldn't do it without hurting a part of me, too. "Mom, I'm fine. Just, please, go away," I breathed out, trying my hardest to hide my anger.

"Okay, sweetheart. I'll be in the living room." I glared at the door and felt tears sting my eyes. Leaving my mother would be like taking milk away from a newborn baby. But I had to find a way to leave. I just had to.


I really hope you all liked it! I know that it may be stupid and boring at the moment, but I promise it will get better! I already have plans for future chapters!

Please vote, comment, and follow! I would appreciate it greatly. :D


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