Chapter 14: Everything is perfect, or maybe not...

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I was terrified, and you can tell Myles was also terrified, thanks to that kiss Abi broke up with him and she left the duet. Abi should start thinking about the team and not just about herself...
I felt it was all my fault and I was devastated...
I could believe it we worked so hard to arrive there and now our possibilities of winning disappeared...
Great! So we didn't have time to tell Ms.Christy about it, so everyone went to bed.
I couldn't sleep, I was really worried...
So I finally started feeling sleepy, and I felt asleep.
So next day I opened my eyes and I saw Abi staring at me with some big eyes, like oranges, it was really awkward...
- Abi what the hell are you doing?
- I wanna make you feel uncomfortable because I hate you.
- Really....
- Yup.
- Abi, we've been best friends for 6 years and now just because a guy we are gonna fight and stop being best friends? That's not how best friends work. We have to support each other no matter what, and be there for each other.
- Briar, you are right, but I like Myles, a lot...
- Abi, you have to think for the team and do the duet
- I can't...
- I know you can
- I wish I could, but when I hate someone and I have to work with them I work really bad.
- Abi come on, don't do that to us...
- I'm really sorry Briar... But I hope we can still be friends...
- Of course we can! Best friends?
- Best friends!
It was a really nice feeling knowing that Abi and I were ok, but I was devastated too because she didn't wanna do the duet...
So minutes later all the troupe were talking when Abi came in, and told us the huge news:
- Hey guys. I wanted to tell you that, I broke up with Myles, so I wont be doing the duet.
Everyone was freaking out and with a really sad face, they couldn't believe it.
Ms.Christy really worried tried to talk to Abi, but It didn't work.
- I'm done with this. I'm not doing the duet, I'm sorry.
It was done for us, we lost, it was over...
- I'm sorry guys, it was all my fault. Abi broke up with Myles just because me and I feel really awful and guilty, and I'm sorry.
- No Briar it's not your fault it's mine. I should broke up with her earlier...
- But Myles, she would left the duet
- But at least we would have time to do another
- I know... But it's all my fault...
- Briar, wait... I have an idea!
An idea? all the studio looked surprised to Myles, what could save us in that tragic moment?
- Briar we finished our duet! Before coming Abi we finished ours!
- Omg yes! And I still remember it! Do you?
- Of course I do!
Everyone of the troupe started hugging us, it was such an amazing feeling knowing that we can still win, because our duet was amazing!
So Myles and I went to rehearse our duet, and we did it at the first time, but it was still a little dirty, we needed to clean it. We changed some things to more amazing things, and the duet was even more amazing!
- Briar
- Yes?
- Now that Abi broke up with me and we can save the duet, we can finally be together...!
- I was thinking the same all the time
- I was gonna say that too!
- But we first have to focus on winning the competition and then we will talk about that, it's better
- Yes, I was thinking the same, let's go
- Yeah
- By the way, I can't wait to take you on our first date
He is the best person I've ever meet, I'm really happy now. Myles and I can finally date, we are gonna do the duet in front of 4000 people and Abi and I are finally ok! It was great knowing that.
Later on I was on the bathroom when Abi came in.
- Briar can we talk?
- Yeah sure!
- I wanted to tell you something, just to save more drama...
- Go for it!
- I still have feelings for Myles, but don't be mad! I'll let him go...
- Look Abi, I'm sorry about you and Myles but you gotta understand that he has never felt something for you...
- I know, I just said that to save all thae drama that this can cause. So we are okay right?
- Yes, we are okay!
It was a little awkward knowing that Abi still has feelings for Myles, but anyways, he likes me, nothing can happen, I hope...
Later on I was walking when I saw Abi and Myles hugging, and Abi took Myles'hand and said something to his ear and kissed on his cheek, what was happening...? Myles looked kinda angry and sad when Abi did that, and I was really angry, why does she do this to me? Anyways, I would talk Myles later...
Myles and I rehearsed our duet 3 more times and everything was ready, so we got our costumes on and my makeup to rehearse the duet with costumes and to show it to the troupe, and they loved it.
It was such a great feeling knowing that we were ready, we were out in one hour, how exciting!
- Wow Briar, you look perfect!
- Aww thanks, you too!
We both hugged and stayed hugging like for hours
- Myles, later on I have to talk to you
- Sure!
So it was ready to go on stage!
I couldn't wait to perform our duet!
We were gonna kill it!

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