Chapter 5: What's happening?

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So it was Sunday morning. My family and I decided to go to the beach, but I had to go to dance. You would say, but you can skip dance! It's just one day! No I can't. If Myles and I win this duet, we are going to compete in a competition against all the capital. That was cool, so I really wanted to win...
So the bad news started to come again... I had to stay at Abi's house because my family was living for two days, that means two days with Abi... Great... So I did my rucksack and went outside, there was Abi's mom waiting for us ( her car got fixed ). We were at the car and Abi's mom said:
- Abi how is everything going with your new boyfriend, was it Myles?
- Mum shut up please..
.I was freaking out, so they were officially dating?
- Briar I... I'm dating Myles
- Good!
- Really?
- Yes, really! I don't care about it, you can date him, I cannot say anything to you
- Thank you for understand we love each other.
Love each other? Wow Abi don't make me laugh. So we arrived to dance and Myles and I were ready to show our duets. So basically we got in, and Abi and Myles kissed... When they finished Myles looked at me, why? So we went to studio b to do the last rehearsing, and our duet went great, we were ready to perform it, when Myles said:
- We have 10 minutes left, now we can talk.
- Myles, we talked about it in my house, everything is good, you are dating Abi, you like her, she likes you, life is perfect and everything okay.
- Did you have feelings for me?
- No! Of course not! Why would I have feelings for you?
- The first time we met I did
- Did what? Have feelings for me?
- Yes
- Well, now you have feelings for Abi so...
- Yes, and I wanted you to understand it
- I understand it
- Yes! I'm sure God!
- Okay...
- Okay.
And the competition started. Abi and Kolton's duet was great, but our too.As soon as they finished, it was our turn. So we danced, we performed, and it was great! We did it awesome!The teacher was about to give the results...
- The winners for the competition are: Briar and Myles!We won! It was incredible! And you won't never guess what Myles did, he hugged me and started to spin around, it was something all the couples do... Abi looked at us with an angry face... But I didn't care. When Myles got me down, he looked at me with a smile and said:
- You were amazing
- You too
And we were with the teacher to prepare it all. The costumes, the dance... when we did it all, we got out of the office and went to the music room to talk and spend some time with the phones, it seemed forever, we spent talking for hours, Myles and I make an awesome team.When Abi entered, she ran tu Myles, took him and kissed him, and she said shouting:
- Briar, Myles is mine not yours so you better leave him alone cause he doesn't like you!
I was freaking out! Did ABI said that to me?Myles looked at me, he was trying to say with his lips and gestures "Don't listen to her, she is just mad" So I said:
- Do you know what a friendship is? Do you know that a friendship exists? We were just hanging out, HANGING OUT! So slow down girl. If you don't want that I speak with Myles again, okay! I won't, but you are included.
And I left, Myles ran behind me really fast and said:
- Briar, wait!
- What do you want now
- I'm sorry Abi was just mad
- Okay! Go with her, I cannot hang out with you anymore
- Abi said I can, but with her looking at us
- That's insane, no
- I'm sorry...
- Just leave me alone! You and Abi!
It was time to go home, and Abi and I were not good together, we didn't talk to each other for hours... So I needed to talk to her
- Abi, there's no way I like Myles, or that he likes me. He told me he liked you, and I don't even care, I like someone else
That was completely fake, but anyways.
- Really?
- Really.
And we hug, but I was still mad. So we spent all night chatting and all those things, when my phone ringed, it was Myles, and he sent me a heart... Why? But I texted him really fast: "Myles I'm on Abi's house we cannot talk."And he said: "Oh okay I didn't know that bye babe xx." Babe? What did he mean with that? Wasn't Abi her babe? Omg... Abi came from the shower and I deleted all those texts, just in case she looked in my phone for some reason, and she said:
- Do you know what? Tomorrow I'll kiss Myles in front of everyone to everybody knows about our relationship and all stuff
- Are you sure? Isn't that embarrassing?
- A little, but I want everyone to know we are dating
- Great...!
Wanted to die. So later I took off my favorite book: "The fault in our starts" by John Green, I just love the relationship between Hazel and Gus, that was probably the 6th time I read it, but I still loved it. Every time I read it it reminds me to Myles... I don't know why...

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