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Kiiro hummed softly, walking down the  dimly lit halls of the CCG headquarters. She grinned slyly at the fact that out of the few people that were there, none questioned her presence in the building, it was quite surprising. Perhaps they thought she was one of them. After a few minutes of walking down several halls, she stopped in front of a sealed metal door and got to work. It being twelve a.m. there was hardly anyone to stop her infiltration which made it easier, although there were two guards in front of the door.

"Excuse me."

She sang, looking up at both the guards with a serious glare. They both raised a brow at her appearance and quickly questioned her why she was there at such a late time. Without hesitation she stated her lies.

"I was ordered here by Mister Mido. He specifically instructed me to pick up a quinque that was sent here a few hours ago, saying that I am 'In need of an upgrade.'"

The ravenette easily let the words melt out of her mouth like honey, it was easy for her now- to lie. Kiiro wasn't associated in the slightest with the CCG, but she used them as a bridge to get her weapons; by stealing them. Though she hadn't done it before, her plan was thought out to the point that it could succeed- and if not, she would use her backup plan.

The guards examined her, she didn't look at all like the other investigators in the twentieth ward. For one, she looked too young to be here, about sixteen or seventeen. She was short and slender, a bit tan and her hair was as dark as a ravens feathers. Her eyes were big and a golden orange hue, they were like a child's. What she was wearing seemed off as well, Kiiro wore a light gray cardigan with yellow shoulder and elbow patches; a huge emblem was on the back that represented a spades playing card. A plain white shirt was hidden under the cardigan, and finally she wore a red skirt with dark see through stockings finished with black Converse. On her hands were small, red fingerless gloves and they showed scars of wear; something had been cutting the inside part of her fingers.

Finally, she groaned in annoyance, for the two guards hadn't said a word since they were too busy trying to figure out who she was.

"Well, can I pass through?"

The small girl asked, furrowing her brows at the two men. One calmly replied back, both not budging from their place.

"Sorry, we don't recognize you and without any valid form of proof Mido has sent you; we can't let you through."

The girl let out a huff of disappointment, her plan had failed her

"Thats a shame, I was so looking forward to having a clean outfit for my date tonight; no worries though"

Kiiro grumbled out as the two guards looked at her in confusion. She grinned, pulling several black throwing stars out of her cardigan pockets; leaving the two men shocked, yet they held their weapons confidently.


The ravenette chimed, twirling around and cleanly throwing the blades at the two men who denied her what she wanted. A few of the stars hit them, but nowhere vital- yet. The two men both groaned in pain that the blades inflicted, but so did Kiiro; throwing them left cuts on her fingers they were so sharp. Quickly recovering the guards spat on the ground, aiming their guns for the small childlike girl and pulled their triggers.


The word from the girl echoed through the hall and she was nowhere to be seen. In a blur she had ran and slid across the ground under the bullets, pulling more stars from her pockets and throwing them all at their legs and even in between them. They both fell in agonizing pain as she chuckled darkly, the last words they'd hear escaped her soft, glossy lips.

"Ouch, that must hurt. Well, lights out you guys!"

Kiiro smiled, tossing the stars she found on the ground into the backs of their necks as one tried reaching for his gun but failed, his hand dropping cold on the floor. Luckily no one seemed to be on this floor anymore, leaving no one to witness her actions; or so she thought. Humming, the child like female began to collect her blades that sat deep in the guard's bodies and the ones laid out across the ground. After she shoved them deep into her pockets again, she began searching the two men for an ID of some sorts to open the door. Finally she found one and proceeded to use it to break her way into the quinque vault.

She wasn't proud of herself for killing the two men of course, but she brushed off the feelings and concluded it was just business as her pockets began to soak red with blood from the stars.

"Such a shame. Oh well- it'll come out.. I think."

Kiiro groaned as the steel door shut behind her. Her eyes immediately landed on all the suit cases and boxes that were neatly stacked around the room; full of quinques.  She was enthralled by the sight and was enveloped by feelings of joy and excitement. These emotions barely showed on her face as she walked through the aisles of quinques; searching for her very own ghoul-killing weapon. It wasn't long before she came upon the category of quinque guns and she found something she liked.


The girl stared in awe at the sight of two beautiful red and yellow matte pistols. Quickly she fell in love with the weapons and searched the suitcase for any other accessories it came with, in which she found two yellow holsters. Quietly she looked at herself, placing the holsters on both thighs with a pleased nod. The two pistols sliding into them easily as she closed the briefcase and prepared to head out of the room.


She paused, hearing a soft noise from behind her, feeling another person's presence behind her, their eyes staring straight at her back. Kiiro turned around, ready to say something in a cocky manner before laying her eyes on the figure before her. Big, crimson colored eyes stared at her own yellow ones.


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