Chapter 4~ Spirit Day Part 1

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July 4th, 2011

I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking

I put on my glasses and got out of my bunk

Andi was standing at the small oven top cooking

“Hey sis” Joe said

He was sitting on the couch watching TV

“Morning Joe” I said

“What I’m making breakfast and I don’t get anything” Andi complained as she took a pancake out of the pan

“Morning Andi” I said and hugged her

She hugged me back

“Morning” she said

We let go

“Give me a hug Joseph” I said

He laughed a little and stood

“Good morning” he said picking me up

“Hey” I said as he put me down

“I heard about Caleb and Cameron” he said sitting back down

“What” I asked

“Adam told me about Caleb and did you seriously think I was asleep when you came in last night” he said

“Yeah” I said

“Well I saw Cameron try to kiss you” he said

“Shut up” I said sitting at the booth

“Happy 4th of July” Andi said handing me a pancake, which had red M&M’s in it, and some eggs

“Thanks” I said standing and going to the fridge

Joe sat across from where I was sitting in the booth as I grabbed a Propel

Andi handed him a huge plate

“Where are we” I asked sitting down realizing we were still moving

“Oh well last night Adam had to get gas then he came back here and slept and started driving about an hour ago” Andi said “He woke me up”

She sat next to me

Joe took a sip of his orange juice

“We have about another 3 hours of driving” he said

I groaned

“So what do you guys know” I asked

“Everything from Sophie and David to you and Jordan” Andi said taking a bite of her eggs

“Really” I said confused

“Yeah Cameron told us last night when he was drunk” she said

Joe took a huge bite

“Could you be any piggier” I asked taking a bite or my eggs

“Maybe” he said with his mouth full

“So that’s why Cameron was here last night” I said

“Yup” Andi said

Jason walked in looking like he’d been in a wind storm

Andi almost choked on her eggs

“Nice hair” I laughed

“I don’t care right now I’m too tired” he said grabbing some food

He sat next to Joe

We ate talking about what was going on this tour

I finished and made Andi get up

You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें