Louis cuddled into Harry as he was rocked to sleep, his nap was close, Zayn was late. Nothing to shocking. It was when the boy really began drifting to sleep did Zayn pull up, his uniform still on, "Sorry I'm late. Had to arrest someone." Zayn apologized, "Didn't expect you to be early. Never was good at time." Harry muttered, "Fair enough." Zayn replied, "He's asleep, and he's also been grumpy all day. Good luck." Harry remarked handing him to Zayn, "Gee thanks." Zayn chuckled, Harry couldn't help but smile. Buckling Louis in his car seat, Zayn slipped in his pacifier as his eyes fluttered open, "Goodbye baby, I love you. Have fun with daddy." Harry said kissing his forehead squeezing his knee before closing the door. "Take care of him." Harry warned, "Always do." Zayn returned, "You don't though. Because taking care of him is showing up to at least one of his games."
"Harry not now."
"When then?"
"Never because we're divorced."
"Not for another three months." Harry reminded rudely. Zayn was stunned. He wasn't the only one keeping count. Was it hell for Harry too? No it wasn't hell for Zayn. He wanted the damn divorce. Well at first he did.
"Whatever." Zayn mumbled feeling only enough strength to give that answer. Harry sighed chewing his bottom lip, "Anne still wants pictures. Not family ones of course but some with Louis and you, Louis and I. You know." Harry announced, "Okay. Let me know when." Zayn replied about to get in when the wind picked up, Harry got a whiff of Zayn's aftershave and the stench of cigarettes. He wasn't smoking again, was he? Harry didn't press waving bye to both of them as he trudged to his own car. Two nights alone. He was definitely living life.

Zayn drove to his own apartment, Carrying the sleeping boy inside, Zayn laid him on the couch beginning on dinner. Louis soon awoke seeing his new surroundings, "D-daddy?" Louis called, "In the kitchen bubba!" Zayn returned, Louis smiled at the comforting nickname his daddy called him. Dashing to the kitchen Louis snuggled in Zayn's side, "Daddy?"
"When 'dis be over?" Louis innocently asked. That was him: Always innocent.
"When will what be over?" Zayn asked unsure of his sons question, "'dis. Old house, old life. When I get it back?" Louis ranted finding that his feelings of the divorce and all the changes had angered him. His parents loved each other. He knew they did. Why didn't they? "Louis things won't go back." Zayn replied, "Why?"
"Because bubba. Daddy and Papa are no longer together."
"You can be."
"But we choose not to." Zayn rushed finding himself disliking the subject. "Yessir." Louis mumbled noticing his daddy's tone. It wasn't his pleasant one.

They ate pasta for dinner, cuddling in Zayn's bed watching Lion king after. Louis laid on Zayn's chest halfway asleep while Zayn stared ahead his mind elsewhere. Where did things go wrong? Was it stupid for him to think of this? Looking down Louis inhaled deeply, Harry did that when he was tired. Zayn smiled softly looking on the other side of the bed. No Harry never slept on that particular bed but Zayn just wanted to wake up see his face next to him again. No. It was to late. Also useless. They would never be a couple again. Ever. Harry cheated on Zayn. He broke up the marriage. Not Zayn. So why did he feel so guilty? Was it guilt? Slowly drifting off himself Zayn let his mind take him back to the good old days.

"Hi." A young Harry said, a unnoticeable blush crept to his cheeks, he was very attractive. Zayn could only grin goofily. Liam then popped up, "Hey. I see you've met my boyfriend Zayn." Zayn looked down as Harry frowned for a slight second, "Yeah. Hi Zayn." How he said his name drove Zayn crazy. Harry thrived to hear his name said from those lips. Zayn resembled the guy your mother didn't want you to date, but he also looked caring. Niall then jogged in, "Hey baby." He gushed pecking his cheek. Harry smiled sheepishly walking away with Niall as Liam coated Zayn's neck in kisses, Zayn however watched Harry walk away. Watched the love of his life walk away.

>Skip forward two months<

"Zayn stop." Harry ordered, Zayn sighed holding his hands up in surrender. "Yessir." Harry couldn't stop grinning. "I hate you sometimes." He mumbled, Zayn couldn't stop staring at Harry's body. How sculpted he was. His muscles a ten, though he wasn't tan he wasn't the vampire pale. He was that perfect mix. "Harry?"
"Zayn?" Harry returned a warm smile on his lips, "Nothing." Zayn answered just wanting to stare into those beautiful eyes all day. "Harry?"
"Harry..." Zayn breathed. This time not being a question or call, Harry's warm smile faltered, "Zayn?" He asked this time his voice filled with a questioning tone, "Harry..-" Zayn whispered surrounding the beautiful man, "Z-Zayn stop." Harry pleaded, once started Harry knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself. Zayn was irresistible to Harry. Zayn didn't stop however. Once both only inches apart from each other, it was silent as Harry dropped his paint brush. Zayn looked into his eyes, "o-okay?" He asked, Harry could only nod as their lips crashed together.

Zayn jolted awake, Louis next to him now on the bed sucking his thumb. Tears poured from Zayn's eyes he missed Harry. He missed his old life, Zayn missed everything and he ruined it. Sniffling Zayn sat up in bed trying not to wake Louis up, although Louis already awoke, he was used to hearing Harry cry. "Daddy?" Louis called quietly, "What baby?" Zayn asked giving a watery smile, Louis crawled into his lap, "No tears daddy. No tears. Papa cry 'dem too. Wouis no like 'dem." Zayn gasped pushing Louis' head to his chest, Harry cried too. A smile formed on Zayn's lips. Harry cried too. Did he miss him as well?

It was Saturday morning when Zayn got Louis up, he was going to have a father son day with Louis. Dressing him, Louis whined still sleepy. It was a little early for the hybrid. "Daddy?"
"Ears hurt." Louis complained. Zayn groaned mentally. He didn't have any ear stuff and Harry didn't pack any. Crap. Giving him Tylenol Zayn stuffed a beanie on him. "Today bubba we are going to the park! Wanna go?" Louis happily nodded, his daddy was always fun at the park. Bringing a football (soccer ball) Zayn brought them to a field. "You know your daddy played some football back in the good days. And I must say I'm pretty good." Louis giggled watching Zayn line the football up with the goal kicking it. Louis slipped in running with it to the other side making a goal. "Beginners luck." Zayn grumbled. Louis grinned as the two played Louis winning, beating Zayn by six points in a game of 6-0. Zayn held onto his knees trying to get air into his lungs. "I'm getting old." He mumbled as Louis raced him to the car. Louis winning that as well. "Alright then Lou, let's play a game daddy's really good at." Zayn remarked pulling into a diner, "Eating." He chuckled, Louis groaned, "Daddy 'dis isn't a game!" He reminded, "It's not? Huh? I always considered myself good at it." Louis rolled his eyes sitting opposite from Zayn in a booth. "Did you have fun today bubba?"
"Yes." He replied holding his ears under the beanie, "Louis put your hands down." Zayn ordered looking up from his phone, "N-no." Louis whined rubbing them, "Right now." Zayn warned giving that stern glare of his. "b-but daddy." Louis whimpered pulling off his beanie not showing his ears but enraging Zayn, "Lets go. Don't you dare tell me no." He growled dragging Louis to the bathroom, "Why did you take off your beanie?" Zayn asked calm after swatting his backside hard as he could five times, "e-ears h-hurt!" Louis cried tears flowing from his eyes, "Okay bubba. Daddy's sorry. But he told you to stop, so instead of doing it tell me that your ears hurt. Okay?" Zayn explained pulling Louis into a soothing hug. Going back out to the table Zayn grabbed the beanie leaving for home. A nap would help his ears. At least he hoped.
"N-no! D-daddy! H-h-hurts! 'Dey hurt Daddy!" Louis wailed loudly as Zayn tried laying him down in his playpen. He had thrown his sippy cup across the room, his pacifier disappearing under his blanket; ears sticking straight up. Zayn felt like crying himself, laying the boy back down he tucked him in again finding the pacifier slipping it between his lips. Louis sobbed behind it weakly fighting Zayn. "Bubba stop. Try and take a nap and you'll feel better when you wake up. I promise." Zayn soothed, Louis shot up again, his chest hurt from sobbing so much. The pain becoming unbearable to the small hybrid. "Okay bubba, why don't we go see if the doctor has any medicine." Zayn suggested scooping him up. Not bothering to slip a beanie on, Zayn stuffed him in his coat buckling him in his car seat, tearing from his driveway. Speeding to the hospital Zayn jumped out carrying the bawling boy into the waiting room, "We need medicine for a hybrids ears!" He rushed bouncing Louis who sucked harshly on his pacifier. "I'm sorry sir but you'll have to wait." The woman said mindlessly, "My husband works here!" Zayn rushed before he could stop himself. "H-Harry Malik. I'm Zayn. Is he here?" Zayn asked honestly hoping he wasn't. "Yes. I'll send you back there." She remarked buzzing him through.
Zayn walked back seeing Bryan tapping his shoulder the man smiled lightly seeing Louis, "Why hello. Something wrong-?"
"Zayn? Oh my god Louis. Come here baby. What's the matter." Harry rushed holding Louis close to him, "His ears a-are bothering him." Zayn answered rubbing Louis' back. "Okay. Come on, we'll go to my office." Harry remarked leading them to his office. Sitting Louis on his couch he had in there he stopped, "How did you get back here?"
"S-said m-my hus-s-band worked here." Zayn mumbled blushing madly, Harry sucked in a breath. That turned awkward. Putting drops in Louis' ears the boy instantly calmed leaning into Harry's chest. "I guess I forgot to pack some." Harry mumbled, Zayn gave a look, "Yea you did."
"Not like you've ever forgotten stuff."
"Your sons game." Harry snapped, "I-I was busy."
"Oh? To busy to cheer on your son?"
"No to busy getting over you. It's harder then it looks." Zayn snarled, he was done. Harry was being a dick, "Z-Zayn, I-I didn't know." Harry apologized, "You didn't have too. I'm pretty sure it's obvious. I didn't come because seeing you and Louis and me like a family would drive me crazy."
"Because it would be a lie I'm not willing to tell." Zayn remarked grabbing Louis walking out. Harry watched him, damn. It would be a lie. They weren't a family, Harry was alone. A single parent. His worst fear.

*Good update? Plenty of comments for your next one!!! Two updates this weekend! Hows that? Hope you've enjoyed it.

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