Chapter 6

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@ZiamAllovamayne For Winning the contest!!!

Humming as he filled in the dog on the page with a brown crayon Louis smiled as Nathan his "bestest friend" ever -besides his daddy, papa, or uncle Li and Ni- plopped down beside him. "What's up?"

" 'jus colourin nafan. What you do?" Louis returned politely, Nathan rolled his eyes at his friends accent, it sometimes got annoying when you couldn't understand him. "Wanna play animals?" Nathan suggested, Louis frowned, he wasn't done with his picture. Though brown was a pretty popular colour unlike the darned lime green. "Otay! I be cat!" Louis gushed as they ran to the stuffed animals, Nathan grabbed a monkey, "Look Lou! My monkey can do flips!" Louis giggled at his friend, "Silly Nafan, 'ere Jay?"
"It's where not 'ere Lou, and Jay's at home. Daddy said he was sick." Nathan pouted remembering his brother at home, "Papa s-sick too! He otay 'dough." Louis assured hoping to make the boy feel better. Nathan nodded as they returned to playing, Louis babbled nonsense as Nathan tried making sense of what he was saying. When Louis' ears had begun hurting. Sneaking a hand under his beanie he rubbed one causing him to purr. Nathan went wide eyed, "D-did y-you just growl?"
"N-no! I no growl! Daddy pank me if I's growl." Louis replied quickly, "I p-purr. W-when ears get petted." Nathan crawled backwards, "E-ears?" Louis grinned pulling his beanie off shooting his up. Nathan saw screaming, Louis cowered back in fear why was Nathan afraid? Mrs.Cox ran over seeing Nathan in tears, "Wha- L-Louis? W-where did y-you get t-those babe?" She asked thinking they were fake, "M-ummy gave 'dem t-to me!" Louis gushed, he was born with them. Meaning his mother gave them to him. Mrs.Cox quickly ran to the phone calling the front office, "I-I h-have a-a hybrid in my class!" She shrieked, the door was opened in seconds the principle along with two gym teachers barged in heading straight for Louis, "Come on animal!" One spat gripping his bicep harshly, Louis cried out fighting, "Da-daddy! Want daddy!" The two teachers dragged the boy from the room into the front office where police were called.
"Cheshire Police Department."
"We have a hybrid in our school, Cheshire Elementary."
"We'll be there in ten. Try to keep it away from students." It replied hanging up, Zayn had listened, Louis went to Cheshire Elementary, oh Christ. Getting in his car Zayn quickly dialed Harry's number
"Where are you?!"
"Work, why?"
"Has anyone called you from Louis' school?"
"No... Zayn I'm at work." Harry reminded, "T-there's a H-Hybrid in the school!" Zayn announced, Harry gasped, "I'm on my way!" Hanging up Zayn pulled in running threw the parking lot like a mad man. Showing his badge, they let him in leading him to a room where he heard cries. Zayn recognized those cries: Louis. Running into the room Louis glanced up lungkng to Zayn though the cuffs they placed on him held the boy back. Zayn had tears in his eyes, "L-let him go. H-he's mine. L-legally a-adopted." He muttered, the principal nodded undoing the cuffs letting Louis attack Zayn with sobs and hugs. Harry ran back to the room seeing Louis' state, "Oh baby." He whispered softly, Louis went to Harry bawling in his neck, "I-I-I sss-so s-orry! B-b-ad w-ouis!" Harry swayed, "No baby, not bad. Good Louis. Daddy and Papa's good Louis." Louis only curled into Harry more, he was called an animal. Is that why his parents divorced? Louis was just an animal. That's what Josh said. Just a stupid animal.
Sleep fell upon the hybrid rather quickly as he held Harry tighter then he had held anything. "What are we gonna do?" Harry asked, looking up at Zayn. Zayn always knew what to do, he was the boss, father, man of the household. "I-I don't know." Zayn mumbled pulling Harry in for a hug, and just because he could resit he kissed Harry's forehead softly. Harry allowed it to happen finding that he wanted Zayn to do it again. Staying in his side hug for a while the principal came back in, "He can still attend this school. He will just be with other hybrids." Zayn grew the coldest glare, "I'm a cop, and I know for a fact you guys treat those hybrids like shit. My son won't go through that. Either you allow him to continue the classes we pay a fortune for, or I'm taking your ass to court! And I have a very good lawyer." Zayn growled, "Then I will have to see you in court Mr.Malik. Have a nice day." He snarled leaving. Harry sighed carrying Louis to his car buckling him in. Zayn walked beside him, "I don't know. I-I don't even freaking know." Harry muttered, how did this even happen?
"So what the boy has a(n) extra set of ears?! Doesn't mean he's dangerous!" Harry ranted, Zayn chuckled slightly, "I know. I'll sue that bastard for every penny he has." Harry sighed smirking, "You have a good lawyer huh?"
"Yeah, figured I'd call Liam." Zayn mumbled taking a cigarette out, "He thinks you're shutting him out... Z-Zayn?" Harry asked as Zayn lit it taking a drag, "What? I'm not shutting anyone out, I'm just working through things. Jesus Harry, you always did worry."
"I have a right to be, I don't want you getting lung cancer!" Harry returned snatching the cigarette away, Zayn scoffed, "If you're worried about my health then-"
"Then what Zayn?"
"Then what Zayn?" Harry asked again, softer this time, "Then kiss me again. Because I promise you, smoking isn't going to kill me. You never coming back to me is." Zayn breathed. God that felt good. Getting it off of his chest made his heart pound, only it stopped when Harry crashed their lips together. Was this really happening? Were they kissing neither being drunk?

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