Chapter 5

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"Oh, it's you." I give a small smile to Clint's wife as she answers the door.

"Is Clint here?"

She nods. I can tell she's a bit cautious to invite me inside but does so anyway. As soon as I step inside, I'm confronted by toys. Everywhere. I lose my balance while trying to avoid stepping on a stuffed rabbit. Clint's wife comes up behind me.

"I'm so sorry for the mess but it's been a crazy few weeks, between the new baby and Clint going off with those..." She trails off as she sees my confused expression, and instead just smiles politely. Next thing I hear is a familiar voice calling out my name. I inwardly groan. I had been trying to avoid Nat for the past week since the incident at the club. She rounds the corner, locks eyes with me, and leans against the wall, arms crossed, eyebrow raised.

"Thought I heard your voice. What's wrong? Got tired of hiding?"

I brush aside her snide remark. "I'm just here to help around the house. Trying to be useful."

Her face softens. Before she can respond, however, the oldest kid calls for her to return to whatever activity they were up to before I arrived. Nat glances back towards the room then back at me, glaring. "I'm not done with you," she warns before walking off. I can't help but think, she would get along great with Peggy. Then I shake the thought away and let myself out into the backyard in search for Clint. I really need to talk to someone to find out if I'm going crazy.

BEFORE YOU KILL ME!!! Yes, I know it has been WAY too long since I last updated, but I wanted to give you some sort of progress before I drop the bomb on you:

I will not be continuing this story.

Don't freak out!! I have absolutely loved the support and feedback from you guys and I never thought that the number of reads would ever go past 100 tbh. Now to see 2.34K? It's amazing. So I don't want to disappoint you all but I've hit a complete block, not to mention I've been so busy with school and everything.

So after a lot of thinking, I've decided I don't want to see this story sink. So if anyone is interested in taking over for me, please PM me and I will read through your stories to see if I will let you take over. I will be looking for someone who is creative and can type properly (i.e. proper grammar, correct spelling, basically what you'd see in an actual published story.) Then, I will either email you the story or otherwise get it to you so you may continue to work on it. I will also be continuing to read up to see the progress. :)

I'm sorry if this is disappointing but I figured this was the best thing to do. I didn't want to let you guys down. So thank you for the feedback and encouragement, and I hope to at least assist whoever takes over. Please understand.

I love you all! Stay strong  <3

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