☄Types of People

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This is going to tell you the  types of people that are in your everyday life. And how to handle them. And also comment what you guys think I am. And this is going to be extra long so sit back.

Mean Girl

The person who always thinks she better than everyone. Always wants to one up someone.
Handling: just find their flaws and point them out. Such as their flaw of being super superficial

Mean girl: where'd you get those shoes from...Payless!
You: I am so embarrassed..... To be the same species as you. This shit doesn't matter.

Peppy Cheerleader

That person who always smiles. The person who seems super nice to everyone but the reality is that they are so mean.
Handling: try being as nice as possible so they won't have anything to be rude to (this also works with mean girls)

The Jock

The girl or boy who is the most athletic out of anyone. The person who always aces gym and is the captain of everything. They also have the largest ego and are the most competitive.
Handling: just accent your pysical ability and be as athletic as possible. And also try to not embarrass yourself by trying to do something you know you can't do. That means whatever vision  you had that you could dunk a basket on the tallest person, ignore it.

The Lazy Person

The person that no one wants to work on  a school project with. The person who thinks that they can pair or hook up with a smart person and automatically get an A.
Handling: Be as smart as possible or ask a confuzzling question and the lazy person will not understand a thing you are saying. And then you can catch them in the act.

Class Clown

They are the people who are conviently there whenever you having a bad day. However they can be extremely annoying when they get out of hand with their jokes.
Handling: Every one does embarrasing  things, so it will be advised for you not to do anything embarrassing around the class clowns.

The Dorky (yet funny) Best Friend

The person/people who are COMPLETLY attached at the hip. They are basically inseparable with their other best friend. Always their partner. Yet sometimes is super annoying.
Handling: the best way to handle someone like this is.....NOTHING. There really isn't anything that they are doing to you.
Unless this person is your friend, if she's being annoying, don't bother saying anything. She is just lonely without any other friend in her classes most likely.

The Preppy Dresser

The person who is always on point with the outfits. The person who every week has a new outfit. And completly looks adorbs in it.
Handling: befriend that person and see if they can give you any tips on how to dress to impress if you need help. And if that option is too expensive, ask the person to take a picture of their outfit, post it on an app called "The Hunt" and people on The Hunt will tell you where to get the outfit maybe even cheaper.

The Smart Aleck

Super sarcastic.... Really nothing else.
Handling : be a smart ass too and show them how it feels. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

The Real Smart Person

The person who everyone wants to talk to, or befriend because of their intelligence. This is someone who is taken advantage of most of the times.
Handling: there really isn't anything to it. They have better things to worry about.

The Cutie

The person that is smart, yet super cute. They are too good to be true. And everyone wants to talk to them.
Handling: Always talk to them, but subtlety.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. And in case that I insulted some people by accidentally stereotyping. But that was always what I saw on TV.

|Love all you LilyPoppers💥|


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