rule twenty-one: tell the truth, even if it hurts like hell

Start from the beginning

"I became the happiest girl in the world when I met you," I assured him. "I just can't wait for the wedding and then the honeymoon."

Somewhere in the flurry of weeks passing by, we'd booked our tickets to France for our honeymoon. They always said Paris was the city of love, and who didn't want to eat croissants at a café overlooking the Eiffel Tower? We'd considered areas like Australia and Rome, but the allure of France couldn't keep us away.

"Ah, yes, the honeymoon. Not scared of flying?"

"I'm not scared of anything now that I have you," I replied. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in, nuzzling his nose into my hair.

I giggled. "If you mess up my hair, you're in big trouble. It took me three hours."

"Uh-huh," he replied, chuckling and kissing me.

Dinner passed in conversation and uncontrollable laughter. Surrounded by friends and good food, it was hard not to smile like a maniac the whole time. Everyone in the room was here right now for Will and I, to celebrate our happiness. It was hard to believe, but also one of the nicest things.

Once dinner was finished and the plates were collected, the wait for dessert was short and filled with more chatter. Finally Will squeezed my thigh, grabbed a dessert fork and tapped it on his water glass.

Everyone quieted and turned to him as he stood up. I hadn't expected any speeches to be made, and felt myself blushing by this unexpected turn of events.

"Will," I whispered nervously.

"There are a few people I'd like to thank," Will began, his voice smooth and jovial. He'd always been a good public speaker, and he was never nervous about anything. I admired it. "I'd like to thank Ava Donoghue, the beautiful brunette on my left, for putting this shindig together. It's absolutely beautiful. Candi and I couldn't have done it without you."

She laughed and raised her champagne glass. "Hear hear!"

"I'd also like to thank all of Candi's friends who have come all the way from America to support and celebrate with us. It means everything to both myself and Candice. It's been incredible meeting everyone who has helped Candice to become the incredible girl I fell in love with."

"Aw," the crowd cood, and as I met Julie's eyes across the room, she blew me a loving kiss.

"I'd like to thank my parents for helping us to put this together, and for giving us your undying support." Genevieve smiled timidly at him over the rim of her glass. "I'd also like to thank anyone in this room who has ever helped us. Maybe you chipped in for the wedding, maybe you calmed my jitters or helped me write my vows. But each and every one of you took time out of your lives to help us celebrate the beginning of ours. And, no matter what happens, I am forever indebted to your love and support and kindness, and both Candice and I wish you all lives as happy as ours have become since finding one another."

Everyone broke into jovial applause, drinking in celebration and laughing.

Once the volume had dropped, he spoke again. "But above all, I want to thank my beautiful wife, Candice Sinclair—who, in two days, will become Candice Winchester."

I ducked my head, but couldn't hide my blush or elated smile. "It was two years ago, I met this beautiful blonde beside me. I spilled sauce all over her, and I remember being so nervous that I could hardly speak. Here was this sweet, kind American girl—one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen in my life. I thought she was an angel."

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