Dan's POV

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A/N-Firstly, hello okay sorry for my 4 month absense but also kinda not sorry bc it was something I definatly needed to do. Just relax for a bit and focus on other things rather than my faded life on the internet. Don't get me wrong my tumblr was active every single day but other than that I set my mind to different tasks and focused myself elsewhere. Okay but in that time I did indeed (with my horribly cryptic memory) forget where all my plot was and I think I've read the previous chapter over and over in an attempt to guess where everything was going but just know that if things in the plot don't rlly add up this is why and imma start writing now so you should start reading.

Phil had promised this day to be completly marvelous and I would never doubt him so I knew that this would be an extravigant date. He likes to go all or nothing. I think sometimes the things he do come off as half-hearted attempts to onlookers because they don't really know him and they don't know what was going through his head when he first thought up the plan; as well as that, most of the things he does turn out amazing even if he was skeptical at first so when he said those words with such persistance and his tone sounding so confident and sure, my mind was put at ease.

Tiny flutes and harps seemed to play instead my head as I looked at him. Fuck-I really was in love with him. Love. It's weird to say. It's weird to even think. Before I met him I thought I had it all planned out: a law degree was sure to get me a decent pay; my less than average looks meant I would probably settle for a way-out-of-my-league woman; a house close to the city centre but also with nice views and a 2 children who would achieve everything I couldn't. That was how your stories were supposed to go-right? At least that's what I thought until Phil popped his beautiful face into my life. Recalling the first time I laid eyes on him (which was in one of his extremely early videos) confusion washed over me as I was taken aback by his shyness and beauty. With Facebook still being in its prime, Twitter followers were scarce but it still seemed crazy to me that the guy on YouTube would acknowledge my existence at all, let alone share multiple conversations with me. When we met in person, Jesus Christ, when we met in person. I think that was one of the best days of my live to date. In 2009 I was still living in my world of lies and pretending to be someone I wasn't so meeting someone who understood me and someone I didn't have to pretend to be anyone but myself for was so overwhelming I didn't know how to handle it properly.

And now it's six years later...

I didn't get a law degree. I didn't settle for less than I deserve. I do live in the city centre but my god the views are mildly terrible and it's not even a proper house. And I am yet to acquire children although I still stand by the belief I will be the best dad ever.

"Dan!" Phil shouted from the other room, his sweet tone ringing through even when just speaking my name.

"Are you almost ready?" he asked.

"Almost," I shouted back despite the fact I had been lay on my bed wearing only my jeans for the past 15 minutes.

My body shot up and I began rummaging around in my closet for my black skinny jeans and (surprise surprise) a black shirt. Once I found my preferred articles of clothing I speedily put them on and spritzed myself with some cologne. Then, I went off to find out if Phil was prepared yet.

That's how you know you're in love. I've lived with this idiot for best part of three years overall and I'm getting butterflies just walking to his room which is literally less than eight steps across the hall. God, I'm literally acting like a teenage fangirl. I thought I was past those days. But I guess being labelled Phil trash number one never goes away.

My eyes caught his as soon as I entered his room. He looked at me with longing and love in his eyes and his delicate smile extended so much so that it made his eyes glisten with happiness.

A Dream come trueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora