Phil's POV

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~timeskip to a week later~

Rolling over in bed attempting to find the perfect sleeping postition was difficult at the best of times; with Dan loudly playing Fall Out Boy's album just a room away it was practically impossible.

"Shut up Dan!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could.

I stared at the ceiling, which was dimly lit by the light seeping in from the sides of the curtains, and despratly hoped Dan could hear me over his music. The hoping must of done something because suddenly the music cut out and was quickly followed by scampering footsteps across the landing. Doesn't he understand that I'm trying to sleep, not start a conversation.

The door flung open and startled me slightly even though I was expecting a violent entrance. Dan then strolled across the room and perched himself on the end of my bed as if I'd actually invited him in for a friendly chat.

"Didn't you hear me? I said shut up?" I snapped harshly.

He looked at me appologetically but didn't seem to register that this meant I wanted him to get out. Instead he shuffled himself up the bed and lay down next too me. Did he or did he not know that I was currently only wearing a T-shirt and a pair of boxers?

"Sorry," he breathed out, "I just can't sleep."

"Neither can I with that bloody raquet going on about 5 metres from my ears. How are you not actually deaf?" I asked angrily.

This had been a reoccuring thing. Dan's not really like the rest of the world when it comes to sleep patterns; even if he has somewhere important to be early in the morning he'll still stay up until 4am. However, despite this not being a day we had to get up early I would have appretiated the sleep.

Manouvering myself, I picked up my phone from my bedside table and instantly regretted leaving the screen brightness on so high as I was blinded by the light of a thousand suns. 1:56am read the screen. I felt my eye lids begin to droop at the sight of how late it was and instantly threw down my phone and rolled over. My eyes met Dan's and I was completly uncertain of when he'd got underneath the duvet but by the way he was now sprawled across my bed it looked like there was no shifting him. Instead, I just sighed and decided it would be far too much effort to get him too move. At least if he was here it was impossible for him to play loud music.


"Phil," Dan shouted in my ear, "Phil your phone's ringing."

I let out a sigh of inchoerant blabber as I never made any sense when I still had morning brain and shifted into a more comfertable position.

"Tell them to piss off," I moaned and screwed my eyes tightly shut as if to prove a point that I would not be awoken yet.

"Phil, this is the seventh time they've rang, I think it's probably important if they're that persistant."

"Ugh, fine," I mumbled as I clawed around my bedside table with closed eyes in search of my phone.

Opening my eyes and scrolled through the recent calls annoyance coursed through me as I saw the repeated familiar number flash through my phone.

"Dan, can you go make me some breakfast? pleasee?" I said sweetly but only hoping he'd agree so I could have some privacy.

"Fine, what do you want?" he agreed.

I told him my order of shreddies and my normal coffee and he disappeared to make my food. It usually took him about 15 minutes (why he took that long I will never know) so that gave me a decent ammount to talk to my arsehole of a father in private.

"What the hell do you want this time?" I snapped as he answered after just one ring.

"Please, just listen. Just this one time, please give me this chance!" He begged.

His deep heavy breaths pounded over the line as he awaited my reply. For a moment I thought over my reply. I remembered the guilt and regret that haunted me for the following weeks after I just shut him down. Despite that being exactly what he did for me. But then I remembered the pleasure I felt when I'd stood up to him and how good it felt for the tables being turned

"One minute, no rambling, just the point of this conversation and what could possibly come out of it." I spat out and decided that if he got on with it, something good may come of this.

"I just think we need to talk, not over the phone. Not over the phone, in person. It's no problem for me to hop on a train and come to your house. I just need to apologise, to tell you I know how much of an idiot I was, that it's okay. I need your reassurance." he said every word as if it was venom on his lips that needed to be expelled as quickly as possible.

Each word he said swam around in my subconscious and each was more over analysed than the last. Everything could have been a lie. He could have been just inviting me somewhere to shoot me back down last time. Then again, it could be all the truth. He could be sorry. How could it hurt to find out. He hurt me so much before it can not be any worse. I managed to get out of that hell before I can almost certainly do it again.

"Fine," I agreed without regret.

A brief pause and an uncomfortable silence fell upon us, followed by my thoughts no even being processed in my brain but instead immediately coming out of my mouth.

"It defiantly can not be at my house. Dan will kill you. I don't even mean that figuratively."

"Oh well, our house then?" He offered.

"No, half way. Somewhere we can't be interrupted. A cafe somewhere in a little shopping centre."

"Okay, fine." he agreed.

Dan's footsteps echoed up the stairway, followed by a "ow fuck," as he probably did something stupid like stub his toe or walk into a door.

"Sometime next week. I'll text you when I know I'm free. Bye," and without waiting for the polite response I knew was probably coming I hung up immediately.

"Breakfast a la Dan," Dan said as he pushed open the door with his butt, "so, who's your stalker then?"

"No one important," I lied, "just some random prank call."

"Quite diligent to be just a prank call, don't you think?" He asked and I internally cursed myself for being terrible at lying.

Shrugging it off and laughing a little, I took the bowl and mug from him and laid them down on my table.

"Now if you don't mind, I need to get dressed," I said and Dan quickly ushered himself from the room.

A/N-- aware this one is a bit all over the place but I just needed to slot this bit in so I did it anyways. ooooo tell me what you think of the bed sharing, was it cute? Were you disappointed that they didn't sex. idek I rlly wanted to make them sex but I was like no you have to stick to the schedule. However, stay tuned bc some sexy times coming up pretty soon. woo. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. BYEEEE.

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