Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes expecting to see clouds and angels and to be in heaven. Well if heaven has a white ceiling and navy blue walls then I'll be damned if I died and showed up in hell.

I groaned and slowly propped myself up on my elbows to glance around the room. There was a ebony desk and dresser, and a nice looking laptop on the desk. The windows were covered with navy blue drapes and the room had this dark eeriness to it.

I jumped when one on the three doors in the room slammed open to reveal an angry looking Dylan. I started scooting towards the edge of the soft comfy bed to get as far away from Dylan as I could. He looked at my and I could see his eyes soften a little bit then harden up again.

"DONT KILL HER!!" I heard a voice yell and heard someone running to the room.

Dylan quickly turned around and slammed the door shut and locked it.

"The pack needs the money, I'm not just going to let one stupid rogue tear apart my pack," Dylan growled through the door keeping his eyes on me.

'I haven't even shifted into my wolf, god I'll never know how it feels to run freely through the woods,' I thought sadly as tears brimmed the edges of my eyes.

"BUT YOU CANT!!! SHES MY MATE, AND YOUR LUCKY I DIDNT MURDER YOU FOR ALMOST KILLING HER!!!" I heard the voice of the guys from the woods yell angrily through the door.

I let out a small whimper as I realized what that meant, and the thought of Dylan killing me.

"Max, look, she's the difference between surviving and living with no worries," Dylan said as her slowly started approaching me.

"Please, don't, I beg you," I started to sob as he drew closer and closer to me. I quickly jumped off the bed and ran towards the door but was cut short by an arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me roughly into his rock hard chest.

I screamed as fear and panic had taken over me.

"DYLAN!!! NO PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I could hear Max's voice crack as he started slamming his fist against the door.

"Max, even if I don't kill her then Carlisle will because he already knows she's here, so might as well make it as quick and painless as possible," Dylan said trying to be stern  even though I could hear his voice start to shake.

"I haven't even shifted yet, the moon goddess won't let me come back as a wolf for another person, please," I sobbed as I thought about what my life could have been like if I wasn't a rogue.

"You wouldn't even be accepted by the moon goddess, she doesn't accept rogues," Dylan spat," so I'm doing you a favor," all traces of sadness and sympathy were gone.

He threw me on the ground harshly and straddled my waist using his knees to pin my arms to my side. I start shaking horribly and shaking my head quickly whispering the word no over and over again. I kept my eyes squeezed shut as I felt his reach into his back pocket.

The only thing running through my head was the thought that I'll never know what my mate looked like and I'll never have a first kiss.

I slowly just accepted my fate, I forced myself to stop shaking, opened my eyes, and looked right into his eyes as he flipped his pocket knife open. I let a few tears slid down my face.

"I'm sorry," he said so softly that I could barely hear it.

He slowly brought the knife to the side of my neck, even though he said quick and painless, I knew that with his hands shaking really badly it was going to be slow and painful.

I winced as I could feel the knife break skin and dig a little deeper, I could feel the blood roll down my neck and hear it drip on the hard wood. He started slowly gliding it across my neck, I started to pass out but not before the door flew off its hinges and someone came flying into the room.

To bad their timing was off, I thought as I slipped into darkness for the second time this week.


Hey guys, well this is the end of this chapter, please vote and comment if you like it!!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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