Chapter 1

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*****Totally wanna thank my friend Satori for letting me borrow Raven and Storm, and for RPing with me all the time so I have something to base this fic on :D Raven and Storm (as seen in the cover) are sexy as hell, aren't they? Oops, getting off track here., comment, and- as always- enjoy! ^_^ *****

Raven P.O.V.

"Dammit Storm," I grumbled as I took off into the bright afternoon sky. Why did we always fight? What was it about him that always set me off so quickly? I shook my head, clearing away the negative thoughts. It didn't matter. Up here, Storm and all of my problems couldn't reach me. I was free. That thought brought a smile to my face as I glanced down on the town below me. Even the people were oblivious to me up here. A blur of red caught my eye on the roof of a building. It was a person. Then, in the blink of an eye, the person was no longer on the roof; they were in the air, and they were falling. I swooped down to catch the mysterious person. 'Please, please let me reach them in time,' I silently prayed. In mere seconds, I was flying toward somewhere safe, cradling the person in my arms. It was a young woman. Sparing a glance down, I noticed the blur of red that I had seen had been her jacket. Her face was hidden by a mass of black curls.

Artemis P.O.V.

One minute I was safe on the roof, and the next I was falling, spiralling to the ground. This was it--- I was going to die. 'Great. State alchemist, Artemis Elric trips over the edge of a building and falls to her death. Ugh, I'm such a klutz,' I mentally groaned. But, suddenly I wasn't falling anymore. I was being carried, up and away from what would've been my death. The wind whipped around me and I chanced a glance up at my savior. Wide, glossy black wings were spread out above me, and they were attached to a man! I peeked up at him through the veil of hair covering my face. His bright reddish-orange hair was windblown and tousled, and his deep brown eyes were full of relief. He looked like he had been created by the gods. He was gorgeous. Surely he was an angel. He turned his attention to me and I looked away, focusing on the ground below. This was amazing, like magic.

We landed in a small alley beside a bakery and a flower shop. He set me down gently and I opened my mouth to thank him, but he cut me off. "You know, there are a lot better options than suicide," he said. My face flared red with rage. I shook my hair out of my face and looked him straight in the eye, glaring furiously. "I wasn't trying to kill myself," I replied. "Oh yeah, because people just accidentally fall off of rooftops," he retorted, rolling his eyes at me. I could feel my face growing warmer, but this time it was from embarrassment instead of anger. "Well I did!" I exclaimed. He stared at me for a long moment before bursting into rumbling laughter. "No. No, there's no way that you're that clumsy," he chuckled. I turned around and started walking home. "Thanks for saving me," I mumbled without so much as a backward glance. "Wait, wait! I'm sorry," he apologized, following close behind me. "Go away," I sighed. "Nope," he grinned. "I saved your life, so you owe me." I grit my teeth and kept walking, trying my best to ignore him. He wouldn't stay quiet though. "Where are you going? Why were you on top of that building anyway? What's your name? Do you have a sister as cute as you?" he asked, not pausing between one question and the next. I whirled around to face him. "Enough! Shut up!" I screamed. "What on earth do I have to do to get rid of you?" He stopped for a moment, looking a little hurt, then shrugged and kept walking. "I don't know. How do you usually repay people for saving your life?" he asked.

I shook my head and started walking behind him. "I don't know. It's usually my job to save other people," I answered. "Well, how do they repay you?" he asked. I had started walking ahead of him. The buildings started to get further apart and I could see the fields ahead; I was almost home. "Well, usually a simple thank you is enough, but sometimes people pay me." I walked up to my front door and opened it. "Sometimes they give me food," I continued as I stepped in the door. "That's it!" he exclaimed eagerly. "You can feed me!" He grabbed my hand and drug me into the kitchen. I wrenched my hand away and muttered, "W-What do you want me to make you?" He was sitting at the table, practically bouncing up and down in the seat. It was almost laughable how childish and adorable he looked, and it made me feel a little more at ease about having this stranger in my home.

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