chapter 3

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Taken chapter 3


"Now let's have some fun," Nate said evilly.

I whimpered, but then I realized he couldn't actually hurt me, right? Like the unspoken guy rule that you can't hit a girl. I settled down, feeling safe.

I wasn't safe. AT. ALL.

Nate climbed on top of me. I was already naked, so all he had to do was move my hair to get a better spot to suck me. He chose to suck my boob. I wanted it to stop, but at the same time I didn't.

I moaned. I regretted it a second later after, but the sound had already escaped my lips.

Nate said, "You like that. How about this?" and he stuck his dick in my vagina. I screamed and screamed, but that didn't help. I just lost my virginity to a man that kidnapped me. All nate did was laugh. Laughed and laughed. He was a sick man.

He got an idea, apparently. He turned me upside down and made me suck his dick. I tried to slap him on the ass but he just pushed my hand away. He made me swallow the horrible liquids. He pushed it back into my mouth, which made me choke. But the worst part was, at the same time, he was putting his entire fist in my vagina, making it stretch out. I screamed, but it was muffled by his dick.

He moved on from my vagina, which was WAY bigger than it should've been. He really stretched it out. He sucked on my boob and squeezed it. He pulled on my nipple and squeezed it even harder than what Dennis did, he made me cry.

He isn't doing this because he really wants to, he is doing this to make me feel pain and torture beyond imagine.

After about half an hour, he decided I felt enough. He put his pants back on. He tossed on a shirt. He put the metal bra and thong on me and attached all the chains. He hung me back up in my cage. He checked his watch.

"Its 11:30. Julius is coming to take his shift at 1:00. Then Dennis at 3:30, and Jacob at 6:00. You will do this every day, because were keeping you on a schedule.

Don't want you escaping, so you will hang like that all day, 24/7, except on shifts. On shifts you'll be in the bed, which has more chains so you can't get out while we are in our shifts. We can come in anytime between shifts, either to rape or to punish.

Oh punishing, I almost forgot! We can punish you for things you did that made us mad, or if we just want to see you in pain. Simple enough. You would be chained to that cross over there, and we would either stab you with that knife, or whip you.

You will not talk unless we tell you to, never object during shifts, never refuse to be raped, and never, ever try to escape because we WILL find you, and you won't like it when we get you back home. Questions?" said Nate.

I shook my head. This is too much for me to handle.

"Good. He said. "now hang here until Julius comes." like I had any choice.

So I cried. A lot. Until my tear ducts didn't have any water left for me to cry.

After a while, Julius came in. He seemed in a good mood, so maybe he would go easy.

"Alright princess, I'm not gonna do what Nate did. That's plain. I want to punish you. He told you the rules, right? Good. I think I'm gonna use the knife."

Julius took the chains off and pinned me to the cross using more chains. He grinned evilly and grabbed the knife. He stabbed me in multiple places, but mostly my legs and arms. He stabbed me and left my body riddled with holes and scratches. Then, he carved the words TAKEN on my thigh.

The whole time I was crying, begging for him to stop. He was smiling, like stabbing girls was the most fun you could have.

My legs were bleeding, and Julius cleaned the knife and put it back. He left the room without another word.

I admit it, I'm not strong. So I wasn't very surprised when I slipped into unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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