Chapter 2

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Taken chapter 2

After a lot of moaning and begging to stop, Dennis finally took his hand out of my vagina. He whispered in my ear one last promise, with his voice that sent chills down my spine.

"This will continue, whether you like it or not," he said and squeezed my boob.

Nate and Jacob were arguing about if I should have my own bed or sleep in a cage.

"She could escape!" protested Nate.

Jacob replied angrily, "We f***ing kidnapped her to be our sex slave! Do you think she wants to be here? We seem like monsters to her! And we make her sleep in a cage? That is despicable!"

I wanted to shout that they were acting like I wasn't chained to the wall of the truck and listening to their argument, but I couldn't, thanks to the duct tape. I wanted this to stop. I wanted Dennis to not rape me, I wanted Nate to not make me sleep in a cage, I wanted Julius to stop driving and turn this car around, and I wanted Jacob to stop talking about me like I wasn't here. These men are poor excuses for people.

Nate pinned Jacob to the wall. "She is staying in a cage, and if she doesn't want to, I'll make her stay in there. And if you say anything more about this, I'll put YOU in a cage," Nate hissed.

Jacob backed down like a whipped dog and glared at the floor, his eyes filled with hatred. I felt kinda bad for him, then angry at myself. He kidnapped me, for Pete's sake! I should be pounding him in the balls! But I couldn't! My anger was growing with every look Dennis was giving me.

Finally, we arrived. The place we were staying at was a house in the middle of nowhere.

I was grabbed by my hair, my duct tape ripped of my face, and my lips were shoved against Dennis's. I tried to back away, but he grabbed my boob and squeezed it so tight I cried out. We weren't talking, but his massage was clear. Kiss me back or there will be consequences, much worse than me squeezing your boob. So I kissed him back.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the other three boys unloading stuff from the trunk. More chains, many horrible sex play-things, and a whip. I started slinking back against the wall again.

This time, Dennis shoved his finger up my vagina and made me cum on it. We stopped kissing for a second, while he licked the woman juice of his finger. Then we resumed.

Suddenly, a force shoved Dennis away from me. I looked up, and saw Nate punching him.

"What the f**k?!?" said Nate. "We want to have fun with her to! Stop hogging her!"

Dennis apologized, then winked at me. Nate looked at me and asked if I am a virgin. I said yes, and he smiled. I had a feeling I would lose my virginity the time I was here.

Julius grabbed me, and I was shoved into the house. It didn't have many rooms. I saw a room that said Dennis, one that said Nate, one that said Jacob, and one said Julius. I also saw one that was labeled "the punishment room". I was pretty sure I didn't want to go in there. But they carried me in there anyway.

I saw a cage, probably the one I was going to sleep in. It was about the size of a broom closet. It had hooks for my chains, and they hooked me up right then. I realized my position a second too late. I was hanging so they would have to problem raping me. Nate was already taking off his pants.

"Alright guys, she's a virgin." said Nate like that was the most hilarious thing in the world. "Should we go easy on her?"

In response, the four guys burst into laughter.

"Well, if she's a virgin, it will be a lot more fun for us. She'll be screaming and yelling for us to stop." said Dennis.

"Back off!" barked Nate. "We all agreed that I was the first one to have fun with her. So go away!"

Julius and Dennis walked out grumbling. Jacob shot me a sympathetic look before leaving.

"Wait!" called Nate. "Bring me that bag."

Jacob came back with the bag and left again. Nate muttered thanks and took the contents out of the bag. I almost fainted when I saw them. The first was anti-birth pills. The second was a bottle of beer. The third was a slutty dress that didn't cover my vagina and butt.

Nate took off my chains. He threw me on a twin bed, and attached me to some more chains so I couldn't get up. What is it with these people and chains?

I was completely naked. Nate walked over to me.

"let's have some fun," he said evilly.


Sorry for the cliffy. Also sorry for the short last chapter. I tried to make this one better. Anyway, FAN, COMMENT, AND VOTE

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