Chapter 9 - Failed Plans and Stolen Mans

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a/n: title sucks but it's subject to change. here's chapter 9 woo. I think this one kind of sucks but next chapter should be better. I'm gonna upload it on monday not thursday cause its gonna be long(er than this chapter which is kinda short I guess but sorry not sorry)


He stood again, grasping her hand and helping her to her feet. He held out his other hand. "I'll put your bag inside."

She let him, waiting anxiously outside. The way he stared into her eyes made her wordless. They were so blue, and searching. It was like he was looking through her, which was frightening. She had never really been close to anyone but her father, and the way he looked into her eyes made her feel like he could see into whom she really was. She shook her head, intending to erase those thoughts from it. She instead wondered where he intended to take her; it was getting darker by the minute since the sun had set. 

While Ryan had taken her on dates that were a lot less than original, Jayce didn't seem to care for any of the clichés. She had considered that he didn't want to spend money on her, but it didn't bother her. He didn't have the money to support himself or his daughter, and he was in high school. Why would he waste money on taking a girl on meaningless dates? She'd rather spend the night lying on the grass under the stars cuddling than across the table from him in a public place.

He was quick, and when he emerged, he held out his hand for hers again, and she was glad to give it back. The chilliness would hopefully keep her from sweating all over him this time. They walked in synch around the house, through the gate and into the backyard. She sighed; slightly disappointed that this was where they were going. The night they'd spent here before had been amazing, and reliving it would be wonderful, but she had hoped for some excitement.

She'd never really been one to stay out late. She'd never been to a party, or spent time with a guy past 10 or so. Her curfew was early and she always obeyed her father. Her mother didn't seem bothered by her absence, and she guessed it was because she had a lot on her plate, but the thought of doing something kind of bad had her feeling aflame.

He didn't stop at the grass like she expected, but instead walked back towards the fence. He was tall enough to see over on his tiptoes, and she wondered what he was looking for. Since she was much too short to see, she instead looked up to the sky. The stars had come out, and she felt like it'd been hours since she met him on the porch.

"There's a bench on the other side. I'll help you over," he said.

Her eyes widened. "We're going into their yard?" she asked, dubious. She had never been one to break rules, and she couldn't imagine what would happen if they got caught, nor why he even wanted to. Trespassing, she was sure, wouldn't be taken lightly by authorities or her mom.

His eyes met hers, a glint in his. She expected him to look at her as if she was an idiot for not understanding, but he didn't. He didn't seem to be judging her at all. "An old man lives there alone. No one ever uses the pool.  It's a shame."

Her insides were churning at the thought of taking off her clothes around him. She wanted to say something about how she didn't have a swimsuit, but she felt like it'd be stupid. At the same time, she didn't want to get into the pool naked. She also didn't want to get her clothes wet. Completely torn, she looked down at her shoes for a minute.

She thought about how she'd never been invited to parties, guys had never taken an interest in her, even how her friends excluded her. Now this gorgeous man wanted her to come swimming with him, and she was letting her fears get in the way. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. 

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