Chapter 1

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Elaina's POV

I don't know where I am however it's starting to get dark; and fast at that. I take in my surroundings and head over to what seems to be an abandoned apartment building. Breaking in I head up to the highest floor there is (the 7th to be exact) and find an apartment at the end of the hall where I can stay for the night. It seemed that whoever lived here was really into Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and other geek things. I will admit though, it kinda would be my dream place. Turning the corner to find a bedroom, too tired to even bother taking off my boots I climb on to the bed and fall asleep from the physical and emotional exhaustion that has happened to me over this past week.


"Laney, Daddy is acting weird." I look up in the dark room to see two small silhouettes.

"Like, he can't really talk and his skin is turning like um what an old bruise looks like. He isn't getting the mutation is he?" Danny asks. Beside him is Mia the youngest and smallest. The mutated virus that formed from Ebola has been around for about 2-3 weeks now and I have been waiting for when it would finally hit us.

Getting up I slowly head out the door and grab the metal baseball bat that I keep by the door just in case anything ever happens. Sighing I slowly stride down the hallway to our parents room. When I open the door I find Mom hiding in the closet and a green and purple, skin starting to rot, and eyes gone rabid and savage Dad crouched next to the bed snapping his teeth at me. Before he can try to get any closer I swing the bat and hit him hard enough in the head to knock him out.  Grabbing the collar of his shirt I drag him back down the hallway to his study and throw him in there and lock the door.  When I turn around I find my siblings standing there with tears streaming down there cheeks silently.  "Come here," they rush over and I embrace them feeling sorry that they have to go through this so young.

*3 weeks later*

When I wake up Mia is standing over me and I see it in her face; she is early in the stages of tranforming however she is far enough she has lost all ability to talk and to look normal at that.  She lunges to bite me and I real back and kick her in the gut. Mia snarls at me and I leap over the bed and grab my machete by the time I turn around she is standing in front of me. I hit her in the head and she falls down dizzy unable to get up I run out of my room and wait in the living room for her.  She comes running out and before she can get within an arms reach of me I have already shot her in the head. Putting my gun back in its holster I hold the machete tighter in my hand and walk over to her. Feeling the tears running down my face I decapitate her then cut off all of her limbs. The smell and the sight make me want to throw up, however I still have to get Danny, Dad, and Mom.

I whistle a high pitched tune and they come running up the stairs towards me. I shoot all three of them right between the eyes then get to decapitating them and with them I crush in their skulls as well. Feeling dead inside I sprint to my room and grab my grey duffle bag then head to the kitchen. I shove inside some canned food but leave enough for any survivors that might pass through. Next I grab a notepad and pen and begin to write.

Whoever is reading this yes, I
did that to my family. They'd turned, there was nothing else I could do. Listen
I've gone to Montana. You can try
to meet up with me but hurry.
7/15/17 -Elaina

I look back one last time at what used to be my family then head out as I do even in the freezing rain I can feel the heat from the tears that fall from my eyes.

I bolt up gasping for breathe as I look around I see I'm still in the apartment. I feel something wet on my face and wipe my hand on it. Tears. So far that's every night since I left I've dreamt of what happened. Getting up I head towards the tiny as hell kitchen and go through everything to see what there was.  After finally agreeing with some things I head back to the room with my arms full of mountain dew, nacho cheese Doritos, and some Oreos I sit down and begin to eat happily before falling back to sleep.

Once I wake up again I go in search for first aid supplies luckily whoever lived here was stocked with it. After gathering as much as I could of it I throw it in my duffle bag and look around the place one last time. Grabbing the supernatural themed necklace and putting it on a smile at myself and head out of the apartment and out into the wasteland that used to be called the United States of America.

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