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Why am I crying so hard?

Why am I hurting so much?

Why am I grieving over something that happened almost an hour ago!?

I banged my head hard; repeatedly on my bathrooms walls in agitation.

I had just downed almost a handful of pills, and now I was paying the price.

I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyways. It feels like they're stuck in my chest, and won't go down.

"Uuggghhhh!!" I yelled pulling my hair; not wanting to hurt myself any other way.

God! I just wanna fucking break something!!!

I could feel something crawling on me, but just didn't know what.

I was so heated.

My face felt saturated and swollen, my throat was clogged, my hair adhered all over my face, and my tears felt almost as hot as lava, as they escaped my tumid eyes.

Every so often I'd get a penetrated migraine that would hurt more than jabbing yourself a million times with a pin.

Have you ever cried much, you'd just cough and gag in ridicule of throwing up?

I went over and sat next to the toilet because I just knew something was bound to come up, even if it wasn't puke.

Just as I reckoned, I felt the purge
emerge from my stomach; go up my throat, and out my mouth, barely getting into the toilet because I was sitting down.

I heard things cling in the toilet as I voided the contents out of my stomach. Probably the pills.

I spit the odious taste in the toilet after I finished purging. I wanted to puke all over again just looking at what came out of me.

God! I hope I never end up pregnant, I hate throwing up!



"Ahhh fuck." I hiss as I dabbed petroleum over the abrade scratch that was in between my thumb and index fingers.

I had a bunch of scratches all over my fucking chest, and arms from Dycintheas assured ass.

I swear that girls got nails like a fucking hyena.

All I did was ask who the pills were for, then her ass wanna start acting crazy and shit, scratching and punching people in the face, arms, and chest. It'd be a damn lie if I said it didn't hurt.

I'm guessing that's how people with Anxiety act. I honestly don't know much about it.

I got the alcohol; dripping a little to much on a paper towel, and quickly rubbed it all over my right forearm.

"Ahh, owwe, ow- ahh!" I cried out in pain.

I should have just stuck with the petroleum!!

God, that shit burned like a bitch! I shut my eyes tight, in attempt of not to cry. I failed....miserably.

After a good 45 seconds, the pain subsided a bit; leaving my arm stinging and throbbing.


I wasn't even close to being done yet. Hell, I'm not even half way. I still had my other arm, chest, shoulders, and jawline to do.

Plus, I still had to take a shower, its going to burn worse.

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