"M-Michael please." She said in a almost quiet tone, but he still heard her. She wasn't asking anything specific, but her eyes were pleading.

"Be quiet." Ashton hissed.

"Don't use her to get to me Ashton." Michael said, his eyes looking back between the two.

"I'm not using her to get to you. We had a deal, she broke it." Ashton snapped.

"You forced her into it. You threatened her!" Michael said.

"This wouldn't be happening if she just kept her mouth shut. Now I'm keeping my end of the deal, and the only reason I'm not about to slit her throat, is because her death is going to be slow and painful, and you get to watch.." He said, and then everything happened so fast. He moved the knife from her neck, and she didn't have much time to process what had happened until she felt a sharp pain below her stomach where Ashton had plunged the knife. She screamed again, her hands covering the wound, blood soaking her hands. "And by the way, they aren't threats, they're promises." He said almost smugly.

Ashton didn't have time to do anything else before he was shoved against another crate, Michael's hand wrapped around his throat.

"Give me one good reason why I should bash your head in?" Michael said, or more like growled.

"I don't have a reason. Go ahead. Do it." Ashton said, his voice strained.

Astrid looked up at Michael, she had never seen him like this, it scared her. Tears were still running down her face and the blood soaking through her shirt and coated her arms. She didn't want to see Michael to become a killer. "M-Michael stop." She whimpered and he glanced over at her. "Don't k-kill him, don't sink to h-his level." He looked angrily back at Ashton.

"Even when you've done nothing but hurt her she still wants me to spare your pathetic life, and I will for her." He said before hitting Ashton hard enough to cause his body to go limp and fall to the ground unconscious. "Have fun in prison." He muttered before going to Astrid's side, his whole demeanor changing from anger to concern for her.

Everything was spinning, her head hurt worse and spots started dotting her vision, pain overwhelming her body. "Oh my god." He said to himself, looking at her injuries. There was so much blood.

"I-it hurts so b-bad." She whimpered.

"I know angel. It's going to be okay I promise. Just hold on and stay with me-no don't close your eyes-stay with me. Everything's going to be fine." He said, holding her hand with one hand and stroking her face with the other trying to keep her from losing consciousness.

Calum, who had been standing by because Michael said this was his fight, not Calum's, calmly walked over to Michael.

"What do I need to do to help?" He asked and Michael looked at him.

"Uh, find a phone, these places usually have wall phones in the offices. Just call the police and have an ambulance come." He said and Calum nodded, running off.

"Who was that?" She asked, everything was so confusing. Spots dotted her vision and she was seeing double now.

"My friend Calum." He said trying to keep himself calm.

"He's an angel, like you." She said quietly.

"Yeah he is. He helped me find you. He's the reason Ashton could see me." He said. He was trying to keep her talking so she would stay awake.

"He sounds like an amazing friend..." She said trailing her sentence off, her eyes slowly fluttering shut as she started slipping into unconsciousness.

"No, no, no stay awake please. Wake up please. Oh god, please. Goddammit." He pleaded, but her body had gone limp and her eyes stayed shut.

"Michael they're on their way. We have to go." Calum said.

"No I'm not leaving her." He said.

"Michael, we have to. How are you going to explain how you are here right now? A guy who was pronounced dead over a year ago? They're going to ask you who you are and what you were doing here and we can't risk that." He said.

"I don't want to leave her. Don't make me, I need to stay." He said.

"No, let's go, I will personally drag you out of here if I have to. You can see her in the hospital. Let's go now." Calum said and Michael sighed in defeat, hearing sirens in the background.

"I'll be back. I promise." He said quietly, before standing up following Calum away from Ashton and Astrid, glancing back occasionally at her, feeling guilty for leaving. They made it out the door as police and an ambulance pulled up into the parking lot.

"We can wait here if you want and make sure she's okay." Calum suggested once they were out sight.

"I just want to make sure they get her safely to the hospital." Michael said watching.

After several minutes of waiting they both saw paramedics carry Astrid out and loading her into the ambulance while police dragged Ashton out who looked half conscious out of the building to one of the police cars. They watched the ambulance pull out of the parking lot and start down the road and Michael looked over at Calum.

"I promised her I'd be back with her. Please take me to the hospital and that's all I'm asking, then you can leave. I'm sorry you had to deal with this, but I need to be with her." He said and Calum sighed.

"It's fine. I'll take you." He said.

"Thank you so much Cal." He said and Calum just nodded and took Michael to the hospital.

A/N: so I had problems ending it but oh well. This story is coming to an end holy crap, but theres still a few chapters left so the story isn't over just yet. Please vote and comment. Thanks for all the support and 700 reads it's so amazing! I love you guys so so much!

-Xx E.J

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