Where am I going

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The only thing on my mind is leaving for college.

thats all I want.

"Can you not?" Wow, Reilly actually cares and doesn't want me to leave.

I just want a new town, new faces, and new spaces. I'm eating applesauce. without a spoon. I'm not talented enough to do this.

ugh why wasn't I born talented...damn you mom.

Is SLO even pretty? Like does it feel nice there? Feel? double you tee eff haley.

I'd leave in the spring. Or I could leave during the summer and get a job down there and then start back up in the Spring.

I'm not scared to do this. I'm scared of what my family will think.

Funny, I'm scared of my family missing me.

I've literally been through worse the last 3 months with my family then this.

I really don't want people to think I'm running away. Because I'm not. I'm starting a new chapter in a new city and new school.

Ugh my applesause is getting kind of gross.

My eye is itching. damn allergies.

This essay isn't going anywhere. I should never be a writer.

12 minutes left.

Kelsey is talking about what awards people are getting.

I want an award.

"Most likely to become the next greatest fashion magazine editor"

but if that doesn't work I'd take "Best Dressed" I guess.

Ugh I hope I get an award.

I don't want to produce this talent show. I also don't want to stage manage As You Like It.

Ope, Reilly just published another part about the procrsatinatiing studyhallers.

k. Bye.

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