I'm a Mermaid.

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I'm reallty a mermaid. My name is Zoe the Mermaid. 

This is my secret  identity. 

I don't know how I'm still living in this shitty class. 


It's like, 546545315345645 billion degrees. 

My tail is going to shrivle up and all the scales will fall out. My face will lose its salt and be wrinkly. 

I'll look like a a fish thats been dried for 54565643 years. 

Oh god, that sounds dreadful. I need some salt. And gummy worms. 

I need to find a bath tub. One of those old vintage ones with feet. And I'll take bubble baths full of salt during studyhall. 

Ooooh, that's probably not okay...ohwell, It'll just go in hand with Mera's Nudist school idea. 

Wait, I'd just have my top off. 

Then someone could take a video of it, and sell it. 


My life....is complete. 

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