Chapter 2

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Dan's POV**

I waited for Phil at the gates of our school, checking my watch. What takes him so long? He came running out, his arms full of papers and books, his face flushed.

"Hey babe, slow down, I'm right here. Breathe, ok? Relax."

He took a few deep breaths and we began walking back to our houses. I grabbed a few of his books as he reorganized his papers. I glanced at a few of the titles.

"Shakespeare? Homer? Ancient Poets of Our Modern Times? Phil what's this?"

He got nervous and began fumbling with more papers.

" my major?"

"That's great love. English has always been your strong suite."

He looked at me skeptically.

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better?"

"No. I think it's wonderful."

"Have you figured out what you're gonna do yet?"

"I've been playing around with a few ideas. My parents are really pushing for a lawyer son though. I might take a few classes of that, just to make them happy."

"You know what you're doing then?"

"I've been thinking film or something like that."

"That'd be cool to do."

I nodded.

"How did you do on your English mid-term?"

"I don't know. I was too nervous to look honestly."

(A/N I don't know how they do British grading systems so I'm going to go with American systems for now)

"I nearly failed with a 75."

He looked at me.

"I thought you were doing better."

"I've been trying. I really have. English just isn't for me."

He nodded and didn't pry thank god. I walked him onto his porch.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I had meant to kiss him quickly but he wasn't having it today. He wound his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss. When we pulled away I bit on his bottom lip.

"Ow Dan!"

I chuckled.

"I didn't bite you that hard."

"Hard enough. My lip's gonna be red all evening!"


I pecked him once more and hopped down the steps.

"You'll be the death of me Daniel James!"

I laughed and kept walking.


I just finished my homework when my little brother came in.

"Mom and dad are going out again!"

He shut the door and we danced around a little bit. Our parents weren't mean; we just liked it when they were gone.

We heard a knock on my door and we immediately stopped and I opened my door.

"Hello mum."

"Daniel, can I come in?"

"Of course, it's your house."

She came in and sat on my bed.

"Adrian can you give us a minute?"

"Sure mum."

He walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Sweetie, I came to talk to you about your future."


"Well, your father and I want to know what you're going to do for college."

"I was gonna try and go for law actually."

"Really? Oh I hoped you would say that. Your father has been trying to tell me that I should convince you to go into law but I knew that you wouldn't want to."

"Mum, relax. I planned on going into law for a long time."

She nodded and stood up.

"Well, I see no reason to stay in here then. Your father and I will be away for the weekend. Remember Adrian is still grounded."

I rolled my eyes.

"Mum it's been 5 months. How long is he gonna stay grounded for?"

"Until your father forgets what Adrian did."

"How long will that take?"

"Probably another month."

I sighed. Don't need to tell her he's been secretly going on every time they're not home. Mum walked out and Adrian walked in.

"How long?"

I smiled.

"All weekend."

"Phil coming over?"

I nodded and sighed.

"You want my Skype username again don't you?"

He nodded and smiled. I nodded and he ran out of the room. I got my phone out.

Hey love, you got a minute?

Anything for my bear! What's up?

My parents are gonna be gone all weekend.

I'll bring video games, horror movies, and popcorn!

I love you. You know that right?

You've only told me that 1,000 times. I love you too and will be there in about an hour.

I sighed. I had an hour to kill and my parents had just left. What to do?


Hey all you freaks! It's Katie! So I promised a sequel and here you are, chapter 2. Yay!!

I hope you all enjoy this story because it's taking longer to write than I thought. My hand sometimes cramps when I type so if there are typos or phrases you don't understand, please try your best.




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