Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

        Shadow stared up at the full moon with a contemplative expression. He had finally admitted his own feelings to himself. But, even so, there was still the issue of Alice being completely oblivious to her own feelings.

        A hollow sigh left his lips. How could he possibly go about this so that he didn't freak her out? Alice was so naïve regarding human interaction, he would have to be incredibly careful. Or he would run the risk of pushing her so far away, she would be out of his reach forever.

        A rustling in the bushes caught his attention. Looking at the shrubbery, he saw a purple cat Pokémon walk from within them. Purrloin had finally decide to show back up. Her green eyes peered up at him with a knowing look, as if she knew exactly what her Trainer was worrying over.

        It was times like these that he wished he was like N. That he could understand what his Pokémon would say. Purrloin would probably be a big help to him in this situation, if that was the case.

        Little did Shadow know, Purrloin was thinking the exact same thing. If he could understand her, she would more than willing to help her Trainer win Alice over. After all, she would gain something from those two getting together, as well. All the time in the world to win over Umbreon.

        Hey, maybe even Pokémon can have ulterior motives.

        Emerald eyes widened. Umbreon... Maybe he could help get them together... Shadow deserves to be truly happy for once, and this might just do it...

        Then again, maybe not.

        Shadow blinked as Purrloin ran off again. Not even back 5 minutes and she already leaves again. He shook his head lightly. What was he going to do with her...


        Yellow eyes slowly opened and a quiet yawn escaped the blue and black Pokémon possessing them. Umbreon stood up from his bed and stretched lightly. Looking around him, he realized that it was still night time. Midnight, most likely. His Trainer was still sleeping soundly in her bed.

        His nose twitched lightly at an odd scent that hung in the room. It was familiar, but only in a trace amount, so he ignored it.

        It didn't really surprise Umbreon that he had only slept a few hours and woke up in the middle of the night. He was, after all, the moonlight Pokémon.

        Silently slipping out of the room, so as to not wake his slumbering Trainer, he decided he would hang around outside of the Pokémon Center until morning. But, Umbreon certainly didn't expect to be tackled to the ground by a purple cat.

        Purrloin stared down at him as she loomed over him, amusement shining in her emerald eyes. She and her Trainer were so alike, sometimes, it was scary.

        "Oh! Hello, Umbreon. I never expected to see you here." Even her voice carried the amusement her eyes displayed.

        "Right," Umbreon's own voice carried heavy sarcasm. "Because it's not like you purposely tackled me or anything..."

        Purrloin rolled her eyes and removed herself from above him. "Ah, water under the bridge. That's not what I came here to do, anyway..."

        Umbreon stood up from the ground and shook himself to remove the dirt that had clung to him form being on the ground. "Oh? Then what, pray tell, are you here to do?"

        The purple cat circled him, her eyes holding a certain level of mischief. "I came to seek your assistance with something..."

        "And what is this 'something'?"

        She stopped in front of him, and Umbreon looked at her quizzically. "You and I, are going to play 'Match Makers' for our Trainers. Arceus knows if they'll ever finding anyone more compatible for one another than each other."

        At that moment, two words echoed within the moonlight Pokémon's mind. Oh, dear...



*Ahem* Aaaaaanywaaaaay~ Someone is plotting~ x3 Hm... I wonder how that will turn out? And huge success? Or a massive fail? I wonder, I wonder~ >w>

I'll try to get Chapter 9 out in a reasonable amount of time...

Until then, Vote, Fan, Comment, TACOS! :3 Do Svidaniya! [Goodbye in Russian] (Akane)

Shadows and Darkness (PKM Watty Best in Romance 2014)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum