the next reject

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Riley's pov
The second person to join me in the lounge was ben. Ben, was an intresting person who at school wasn't understood. Where to begin to "explain" him is to start at the beginning. Okay ben was a weird child growing up, he also stayed inside and never seemed to stop eating or talking about random things. As time grew on kids his age began to notice he was different which from their point of view being different us bad so thus the bullying began. Middle school hit and it got worse the other kids began to cause some damage, he began to become quiet which is not normal he also began to eat less. The disorder began to eat him alive as became a walking skeleton. It was scary to watch, his parents sent him away for a couple years until he made his big come back this year which was his junior year.
I guess Ben became a sarcastic little git over the couple years seeing as he didn't hold back with his comebacks anymore. This is the comeback of Ben
Ben's pov:
The bullies banged me up against the locker and began to attack him with bigoted words for example the oh so original faggot was a favorite among the jocks , to which I replied with the fact that I wasn't a bundle of sticks. I bit down on the arm holding me and began to run. When I got to a cave like tunnel someone pulled me in. I look to see the culprit who of which is just a girl of around 14.
"Hello there there stranger , welcome to what I like to call the lounge. The outcast lounge. You like your in need of the place this is it , all you have to do is be you and paint one message onto the wall .
Ben looked at the dingy surroundings that for some reason appealed to him. Ben painted his message which was

hey may hit you hard but you'll come back even harder .

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